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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. im all for building a new titanic....maybe they can stick a fag and a ginger on it and sink it again
  2. 1. depends how strong of an industrial blender / wood chipper you have 2. that is fine, send me a check for 4000 dollars and i will send you back 4200 to cover the change from the fridge and 100 extra for your time....then just deposit the check and send me back the difference of 4100
  3. 1. depends how strong of an industrial blender / wood chipper you have 2. that is fine, send me a check for 4000 dollars and i will send you back 4200 to cover the change from the fridge and 100 extra for your time....then just deposit the check and send me back the difference of 4100
  4. wouldnt this be titanic part 4? the titanic had two other twin ships....the brittanic and the olympic....the brittanic sunk too, just 4 years later ....the olympic was turned into a military ship and then back to a civilian ship and evenutally retired and destroyed ...but it had already been in several collisions itself the titanic was the second ship, the olympic actually came before it
  5. bought it in january, used it until march 1st ....its in like new condition, never had anything spill in it etc...just stored some cans in it and some veggies....moved out and i have my own fridge now, dont need this thing heres a link http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Haier+-+2.7+Cu.+Ft.+Compact+Refrigerator+-+Black/1931487.p;jsessionid=61E270D102BB323D2C93D12079DC42C1.bbolsp-app03-45?id=1218301621449&skuId=1931487 $80
  6. np...the reviews are mixed, there may be others too...just the first one i found lol
  7. quick google search turned up this http://www.amazon.com/SoL-Solar-Charger-Case-iPhone/dp/B004YWTHWC
  8. sorry bud, i traded it for some skittles
  9. i didnt read the description, i just clicked the embeded video and i never said it wasnt possible, i said its not ideal i only mentioned that having one in the chamber saved that guy in dayton - and in his situation, it did....he wasnt drawing from his waist, he was drawing from the console in his car and had someone pulling him out by his legs...grabbing and racking off his belt really wasnt a great option
  10. i dont HAVE to figure anything out....i dont carry a gun because guns are bad and kill people
  11. ok...i guess this is where you lost me....you chose my response to the other guy about carrying chambered to post your reply about being able to do it one handed....i guess i wasnt sure where you were coming from...then you posted a video about condition 3 carry i agree its a good skill to have, and im not afraid to scratch up my EDC either (it has plenty on it, believe me), i just dont see myself needing it in a civilian situation....if i was LEO i would spend more time learning stuff, but im not so i dont....i think its great that you do, and im not arguing with the usefulness, my replies were based on your reply to me...guess we got wires crossed, no worries
  12. i agree, but his video demonstrated carrying without one in the chamber, and his response to me was in disagreement when i mentioned that its beneficial to carry with one in the chamber ...so i guess im not sure where he is coming from
  13. more power to you, but i wont be doing this myself....not that its a bad skill to have, but i think the chances of ever using it are very unlikely for a civilian...rather not tear up my gun on my belt buckle to practice a skill ill never use if you think being able to rack a gun on your belt is a good reason to not carry with one in the chamber, more power to you, but i will continue to disagree just saw your edit and video add.....while its a neat trick in the video, i prefer to carry with it already racked....then theres no use to do that...what if youre in a situation that isnt an option? what if youre on the ground in a struggle, forced to crossdraw, etc? its not an ideal situation
  14. i wasnt talking about reloading, i was talking about racking the slide ...if youre carrying without one in the chamber, you need to rack the slide before taking a shot....theres a big difference in racking it from battery than there is simply dropping the slide from an open locked position...i could reload my gun and drop the slide no problem, heck i never use two hands to drop the slide, i just hit the lever and it drops into battery....sure this may not work great for some firearms, but for mine it works just fine
  15. if youre carrying without a round in the chamber and you get into a confrontation, what happens if you dont have both hands free to rack the slide? like the guy in dayton who got attacked at the gas pump...he was mid confrontation, brawling with two guys when he had to reach into his vehicle and grab his gun....he didnt have two free hands because one hand was holding onto his vehicle so they couldnt pull him out, and the other was reaching for his firearm.....he didnt have two hands or time to rack the slide...round in the chamber saved him from a potentially fatal beating...the two guys were completely fucked up on drugs and who knows how far they would have taken it
  16. its not even just this thread, its every one you post in....at least be informed about a subject before you spend time to try and argue it and tell people about it. also, i dont believe in "accidental discharges" ....there are purposeful discharges, and negligent discharges....in the case wicked is talking about, i would like to see more details, but if it was truly a faulty mechanism, you could maybe pull the AD card....but i still think something would happen to cause it....guns dont just fire when theyre sitting untouched and undisturbed, especially modern guns as for the guy you know, sorry you lost your friend, and i obviously cant tell you that it didnt happen because what do i know? i dont know the guy....but to me, it seems like there had to be more going on...although, my original comment was not about the discharge at all, it was about the laws you have floating around in your head
  17. i was commenting more on all the laws he always pulls outta his ass lol....like no transporting with a magazine, no round being allowed in the chamber, not being able to carry in bars, etc etc....its always something......as for his story about the gun firing by itself, i guess its possible since youre saying its happened, but i think the chances are highly unlikely....if its just sitting in a nightstand and nobody is touching it, i dont see how it could possibly go off....perhaps the problems with the ppk were caused by dropping the gun or something? i wouldnt think anything could cause a gun to fire if its just sitting in a night stand undisturbed
  18. exarch should be blocked from all firearm related threads for posting so much inaccurate information.....he is anti-gun and seems to make it into every firearms thread anyways, and then he posts up bad info about laws were all breaking...../facepalm
  19. i was thinking it but didnt wanna add that onto my original comments since i dont know d ramey or what he does.....i just know that a lot of the fast bikes in columbus are funded by drug money
  20. being a pizza boy doesnt mean anything....most of the fast bikes in this city are funded by drug money anyways lol (not saying d ramey's is, since he said he owns a company...just saying in general)
  21. exactly!! welcome back! ....ignore scruit, he thinks he is some kind of e-lawyer.....not sure why all the details are so important since the case is closed and you served your time...."how many feet were between you and him?" ...gtfo
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