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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. bump...$180 for grill...$240 ill toss in the mini fridge
  2. im 6'0 and just measured armpit to finger tip at 27.5" maybe you have t-rex arms
  3. now im even more confused...why are we talking about metal detectors?
  4. it happened within 36"....why we discussing 20 or 21 feet? lol
  5. you asked about stopping that guy, not some hypothetical "how would you stop him in this country under perfect circumstances?" also, they could probably pin him by license plate etc here, but actually catching him i think it debatable. like i said, helicopters are great, unless the pursuit leads towards and airports....then what do you have left? would it be a lot harder here? absolutely. but i dont think its easy as pie like you think it would be....people get away from the police all the time here as for rolling your eyes....its a documented fact that your bike will only go 1.85$ , which is less than my stated 200+ (he actually has a 246mph run on video)....tail wind and a solid wing flap might push you to 200, but at that speed your visor will fly up and a bee in the eye will kill you
  6. and one more...long one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uP6hlAwmvSI
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_PsCFj9bDw&feature=related another good one lol
  8. also, with those bikes, he could end the pursuit before they even had the chopper off the ground if he wanted to....notice how fast he left the cop behind the couple times he actually did hit the throttle?
  9. these bikes are 200+mph bikes....on a proper straight away, he would have a chance to ditch a chopper....im assuming by the shitty police cars that they dont even have air support where this was filmed....and if they did, im sure he has a backup plan....chopper is easy to get rid of depending where youre at....how? ride to the airport. chopper wont have authority to invade airspace, thus ending the air pursuit, which would then make it him vs shitty volvo wagon or whatever that thing is.....the guy does this for a living, im sure he has a plan for the situations that apply to him
  10. everyone who says get him at home....this situation doesnt apply for anyone who somehow did not recognize this video, this is a clip from a ghost rider video.....he does this stuff on purpose with the intent of filming it and fucking with the police he has already publicly revealed his identity (patrick furstenhoff), and due to laws where he lives, you cannot be prosecuted unless caught in the act, even if theres video (no way to prove he is the rider by the video)......the only way they will ever bust him for these videos is if they stop him in the act, which probably means killing him regardless, i love watching the videos....every squid thinks they can ride like him, but this dude is a pro and i enjoy his videos....reckless? sure, i guess, but at least hes a trained professional if he was trying to get away, im pretty sure he would have no problem....notice he kept slowing down to get more footage? if thats the bike i think it is, i believe its around 300hp....he has a few, including a 500hp turbo busa
  11. adderall is like kiddie meth if you crush it and snort it.....or so ive heard
  12. the local pizza place by us was retarded...we scammed them out of free pizza on so many occasions...i have no idea how they never caught on lol....we got 3 XL pizzas one day for free....ah the good ol days....smoking, eating free stolenish pizza, and not a care in the world....sucks growing up lol
  13. when i was smoked up, the only thing i was attacking was pizza and those little snack bags of "munchos" with all kinds of shit in them like doritos and pretzels etc
  14. so he smoked a little dope? whats the problem? i got straight As in high school and i smoked myself retarded daily...hell i actually was in honor classes....when i wasnt being suspended or kicked out that is....
  15. I see it as all hype....they been saying this shit forever. They will start negotiating it as some type of perk to get you to sign away your soul for another 2 years. "Well, I'll go ahead and transfer your unlimited data if you sign up for 2 more years"....if theres a way to do it for full retail price, there will be a way to do it for discounted. i dont believe half the shit i read online....hell, i remember everyone crying that gas prices were going to be $5/gal by this time of year, back in january...and they were all sooo positive.....yea...whatever
  16. firefox....chrome would be second fuck IE....what a shitty program inb4serpentracerrantsaboutIEbeing1337andusbeingfaggots
  17. arent kids a life time commitment? you cant just raise them to 18 and say fuck off because youre 50 something and want to party....moving out was the best thing i ever did, but if i wanted to move back because i was having a hard time in life and i was told no, i would remember that shit when my mom was 70 something and asking to move into my place so i could take care of her
  18. i talked to them yesterday and they told me whenever i decide to upgrade to a 4g phone, my unlimited data will carry over with me. even said if i kick my mom and her bf off our family plan, they will both get to keep their unlimited data, even though they need to sign a new contract
  19. ordered some safety glasses last week and asked them to draw me an ogre on the box
  20. if youre having a problem with your SO, you should talk it out with them....it will get resolved, either by you realizing it really isnt anything, or by you realizing it is and then being forced to work it out head on....either way, no reason to beat around the bush
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