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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. Nope - i meant drag strips. For track days, you pretty much said im ok as long as the date is within 5yr.
  2. Steve Butters

    Taser C2

    just move to BFE and when you get attacked, just throw some elbows
  3. Steve Butters

    Taser C2

    gotcha...thats what i was wondering, if it was considered a "weapon"...if so, i guess i dont see a point having one if you cant take it anywhere you cant take a gun
  4. thanks brian....i like to replace helmet every 5yr anyways, unless its dirt....always been told its best to do so, and they dont cost that much compared to how often theyre used ill call around some tracks before i buy and see what theyre saying
  5. ok...i guess ill have to check with local drag strips and see what they say...i want to do a little drag racing and some track days next year too, so i wanna find a helmet i can do it all with...may end up with another shoei if some places are finicky about not having snell
  6. Steve Butters

    Taser C2

    so, basically anywhere but hospitals? i guess this could be useful for people who work in schools and have to walk to their cars at night time *college professors, etc*
  7. not that it matters for me right now lol, but im curious is a dot/ece helmet allowed at track days instead of a dot/snell ? isnt ece more strict than snell? what about for drag racing, can you use ece instead of snell? i know some helmets are both, but i like the schuberth s2 and might get one once i pick up a new bike, but $500-600 is a lot for a helmet i cant use at the track lol
  8. Steve Butters

    Taser C2

    is a taser not considered a firearm/weapon? like, can you carry in school and gov buildings etc?
  9. depends on area....strong gusts on the hw can be a pain...i had the vmax leaned way over like i was making a hard left, and still got pushed into the berm on 33 one day...the bypass is such a huge open area that the gusts can really mess with you
  10. here: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=91464
  11. i disagree with flashing your brights....if i see someone driving towards me flashing their brights, i would assume they are signaling me to pull out
  12. there is more missing to this story. my mom had a policy for 100k on my dad and they had been divorced like 6-8 years when he passed and she had no problems at all because the policy listed her as the beneficiary if your gma didnt list a beneficiary, perhaps it went to her "estate" and without a will, the estate can be seized by the state to pay any outstanding debts not saying it didnt happen to him, but theres more to this story...its not a simple "men dont get anything when a woman leaves/dies"
  13. well if he reported it stolen on the 12th and it was stolen while he was at work...i would assume it was stolen on the 12th...
  14. thats the plan...before deer season ill find an older 870 or more likely a mossberg 500
  15. that ad was posted the 9th, the bike was stolen yesterday on the 12th....why so much effort contacting this guy about his parts?
  16. i think this guy has like 50 or 60 bikes....i dont think hes selling all of them lol
  17. nope, impossible. theyre just saying that because thats what the people of the united states want them to say. no way zimmerman is actually at fault.
  18. doesnt really even take someone overly trained...i got into a fight with a guy once who was a little bigger than me and he managed to get on top of me and pin me down where i couldnt even move my arms and he still had a free hand to throw punches down on me....we were just two high school kids with no training at all
  19. ^ i agree....if someone randomly comes up and starts fucking me up, theyre getting shot. im not saying if i pick a fight with someone and start losing ill pull a gun, but if someone i dont know just starts attacking me and i feel my life is in danger, you bet your ass im gonna shoot them reminds me of that guy in dayton who got attacked for no reason while pumping gas....he was fighting it out with the guy, hand to hand...then once the attacker started losing his buddy jumped in with a cheap shot....victim pulled a gun and shot the dude in the gut...his friend ran away....completely justified! and potentially saved the guys life, who knows how far those two guys would have taken it, especially since it turns out the guy who got shot had large amounts of coke in his system
  20. why do you have to sell everything and give up your archery contracts just because she moved out? i thought thats what happens when they DONT move out lol
  21. yes, they were both in the wrong. zimmerman should not have been following him, and martin should not have attacked zimmerman, regardless of what zimmerman said or did to him. if martin was alive - i would lock them both up. zimmerman instigated the situation by following martin and starting a confrontation. martin was wrong to attack the guy, but i have a hard time believing it was "unprovoked" like most of you guys seem to think it was. if both survived the confrontation and say zimmerman got an assbeating and then martin went home, i would charge martin for attacking zimmerman (felonious assault?) and i would charge zimmerman for instigating the confrontation (disorderly conduct?) ....not sure if those are the right technical charges, but you understand what im getting at
  22. i have seen plenty of martin/zimmerman and nobody gives a damn about that story because its just a white kid .... theres no white organizations to make a huge stink about it like there are black ones when these events happen....sorry if that sounds racist, but it is what it is....theres no white al sharpton honestly, even though i think zimmerman was in the wrong, i do not believe it to be race related.....i see it as a guy who thought he was a neighborhood cop and took his false sense of authority too far
  23. either way it ends up - he will always be the bad guy (i believe he was in the wrong personally, but if facts come up to prove me wrong, i will change my opinion).....same deal with casey anthony, she was found innocent yet the whole country hates her....even some people in this thread who are so pro-liberty, innocent until proven guilty, etc i bet all feel that casey anthony is a bad person....i personally dont give a fuck about what she did or didnt do, i wouldnt let her babysit my kids, but if i ran into her in public i would treat her the same as any other person
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