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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. get thicker skin if you plan to keep post whoring the shit out of us
  2. oh ok...i thought everything was digital now and you didnt need antennas, but ive never been without cable so
  3. what kind of tv has an antenna?
  4. 57 posts per day? holy shit.
  5. exactly what i was thinking...glad someone said it
  6. lol pretty clever and wow at the people commenting that are actually mad and screaming that theyre fake.....no shit
  7. i dont really drink anymore, therefore i dont have a favorite. but i would never take advice from any of you people who list natty in your top 3.....that shit is like watered down cat piss
  8. one job i just stopped going...kinda like in office space...i asked for full time hours, they said they would look into it and let me know...the next day they cut my hours from 20 to 6, working only on saturdays....went one saturday and got busy work so i just stopped going...they never officially "fired" me, and i was still in their system like 6 months later and they asked me to work an event since i was still in the system lol and another i got mad at my boss and i told him i was going to lunch and i just went home and never looked back keep in mind - both of these jobs were pretty much minimum wage
  9. i think the older guns were better made...i hear great things about them but not so great about the new ones...same for the mossberg 500s....i guess the economy is imposing some QC issues on some gun manufacturers, or so it seems
  10. welcome back! i think rawlins87 mentioned wanting to sell his drz? not sure how much he wants for it though or if he was serious about selling it
  11. 60 miles in 3 hours? sounds like a boring ride! lol...hell, im still jealous though...i need to get me another bike!
  12. i believe my problem was in the barrel...i think the spent rounds were jamming up in barrel and when the forearm was pulled back the extractor was grabbing the round but couldnt pull it out so the forearm would not move i tried several different ammos, cheap ones, good ones, high brass, slugs, everything.....it did it on every type of ammo.... and remington "reamed and polished the chamber" when i sent it in for warranty work and when i got it back it was even worse...i told the people at gander i was tired of messing with it and asked if they would exchange it, they said yes, so when i did the exchange i asked if they would let me upgrade and they did mine was an 870 express field gun...26" barrel, black synthetic...cheap model 870
  13. may look into one of those also, not sure yet...ill see how i feel come deer season lol
  14. bought it brand new in november, cleaned it real well and oiled it, and within the first 100rds (in january) it was jamming once every 10rds, sent to remington to be fixed and when i got it back it jammed after every round, with less than 25rds through it after remington gave it back to me.....yep, sounds like owner maintenance issue to me
  15. yep....they really fucked themselves they also smashed the car in movie 5 that Dom was driving at the end of 3...im pretty sure they will never tie into 3 again, im assuming its going to be a loose end and forgotten about
  16. 4 is before 5....thats why theyre fugitives in 5 and why they mentioned the girl being dead.... the order is definitely 1, 2, 4, 5, 3...6 will be after 5 or 3, depends how they play it - but im assuming it will be right after 5 and probably have the asian guy again
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