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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. isnt that what insurance is for?
  2. hes looking for a helmet to wear every day....what do you mean "I just have a hard time paying $400+ for a helmet you may only use once."
  3. i wore cheap helmets and had no problem with them....then i bought a good helmet and will NEVER go back. shoei rf-1100 was the most comfortable helmet i ever wore...made my KBC, HCJ, and Bell all feel like trash.....i am a diehard shoei fan from the moment i put one on buy a good helmet, you wont regret it....lighter and more aerodynamic the helmet is, the more your neck will thank you on longer rides
  4. where is the ad at? i didnt see it on their website
  5. Nobody take this shit seriously lol your all good man
  6. havent picked up another bike yet man or i would show up...we had a great turnout for shawns dad so i have faith that this will be a good turnout to honor your friend let me know if theres anything else i can do to help ya guys out
  7. and AGAIN, if he was legitimately concerned about his well-being, a PM would have been plenty sufficient. if he wanted to ask him how he was doing, direct contact would have been much better and much more effective than a public call out
  8. i dont see the big deal to be honest....i dont smoke, but that doesnt mean other people shouldnt. this is a free country, if they want to do it, they should be allowed to. especially if they have a legit medical reason.
  9. i disagree....i think it was made to poke fun at him for wrecking. if he was genuinely concerned with his recovery, a PM or call on the phone would have been more than enough.
  10. wtf yall talking about? ide rock that bike just how it is! the fur would feel badass between my toes while im doing tank-stands at 140
  11. im bored of it already, so when he quotes this post and responds to it, im sure that will be the end
  12. getting pwnd by a little asian girl
  13. i love how in every thread you get really pissed and then you realize that everybody else is chill and just laughing at you, and then you try overly hard to try and act like nothing ever bothered you in the first place.
  14. i dont have a bike or my mustang any longer by choice youre not getting over on anybody, i wasnt forced to sell either one and both were paid off 100%, as is my new truck. whatever floats your boat though.
  15. oh man, a joke about being between bikes when i have that info publically posted! you got me good man. the whoolie joke went over your head, noob.
  16. does your bike do 3-4" whoolies on command?
  17. you dug through my post history to find a post about a mustang? really? fucking pathetic....mustangs are not fast cars right off the lot and im not upset about anything, i think its hilarious how upset your getting...if you skin was any thinner i think a gust of wind would cause you fatal flesh wounds. sorry we're all not super excited that your bike is faster than a 13 second mustang coming home from work one day i had a guy pull up next to me in a mustang wanting to race and i made a fool outta him on the freeway....i pulled on him so hard he never even looked like he was racing....didnt mean i decided to stand up and flap around like a douchebag then make a thread bragging about my super impressive kill lol
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