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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. http://www.acluutah.org/SKYR4.html read through the whole link...it talks about all the circumstancesand yes, i realize thats for utah - but were talking constitutional rights (or you are atleast) so it shouldnt matter which state i post info on, and thats just the first one i found
  2. you sure? youre saying every public school breaks the laws countless times and nobody ever says anything about it?
  3. gotta agree with IP...the girl is hot, no doubt...but that bike is hotter put that bitch on a camaro or something, that bike doesnt need anything to make it look better
  4. whats so special about it? to justify that price... if ford made a 2011 ford focus limited edition and only made 10 of them, i dont they would fetch that price tag...just because its limited, doesnt mean its valuable....so, what is their reason to justify that price?
  5. and heres the full orc codes, incase you wanna see where i grabbed those little sections from http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2907.03 http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2907.02
  6. rape: (2) No person shall engage in sexual conduct with another when the offender purposely compels the other person to submit by force or threat of force. © A victim need not prove physical resistance to the offender in prosecutions under this section. it mentioned the defendants sexual activity also under the rape laws...which is why i would not consider it rape sexual battery (A) No person shall engage in sexual conduct with another, not the spouse of the offender, when any of the following apply: (2) The offender knows that the other person’s ability to appraise the nature of or control the other person’s own conduct is substantially impaired. to me, being unconscious would be substantially impaired....if i was prosecuting the case and did not go with the rape charge and battery plea, i would argue assault with a deadly weapon ( victim being attacked ) and sexual battery ( the object being shoved in the dudes ass ) its a grey area and could really be pushed either way....so to say its gotta be rape or nothing, is incorrect you would have to prove that the men knocked him out with the intentions of "raping" him to stick rape....if charged with sexual battery and assault with a deadly weapon, it could be pushed as a hate crime which is what i believe happened...homosexual male, attacked and knocked unconscious, then has an object shoved in his ass....it would be easier to prove that they attacked him for being homosexual, rather than to get their own sexual needs satisfied
  7. according to ORC, the victim does not have to fight back for it to be considered rape this specific incident could fit into sexual battery, or into rape - it is a grey area...as the law is written, if you walk up to a person on the street and say "let me poke your boob or ill kill you" and she lets you poke her in the tit even through clothing etc, just a little poke and then u leave...it can fall into "rape" as its written....the line between rape and sexual battery is blurred, the whole thing is a grey area....as a judge or prosecutor, i would push this case in direction of battery since no intercourse took place....as a prosecutor ide charge them with rape, and offer a plea down to battery
  8. high school - public thats how all public school are, they dont need warrants to search people....they can search you, your locker, your car etc if a student tells the principal that they saw a gun in the locker next to theirs, they dont have to wait and get a warrant, they can just search it so if they had a suspicion that my friend may have had drugs in his car, they decided to search it...every public high school is set up that way to my knowledge
  9. we signed a waiver saying the school was allowed to search our car for any reason, and if we didnt sign, we werent allowed to have a parking pass....and since we had school resource officers, the principal and the cop we had at school were allowed to go and search through cars without a warrant
  10. gotta agree....friend of mine had his car searched in high school...since it was on school property they were allowed to search without a warrant...they didnt find anything, but they actually broke his back seat so it wouldnt clip anymore, destroyed...he was sol
  11. he will hook ya up...he is a life saver when you need auto tires
  12. call NTB in downtown columbus and talk to Derek - tell him youre a columbusracing member
  13. wasnt there just a thread made about them cracking down on bike noises in california - and now they go do this?
  14. where did i say there would be no case? sexual assault/battery? youre saying there can be no middle ground? its got to be rape or nothing?
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5p3OB6roAg [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI&feature=related][/ame]
  16. lol this fucktard talks a lot of shit for knowing nothing about me 1. i had this bike because it was FREE...my dad passed away and left it to me, and being 18 at the time, i was not in the position to go drop 15k on a brand new litre bike to prove myself to some internet asshat 2. i dont even own the thing anymore, the only riding i did was twisty riding and i got tired of the handling of the bike and did not enjoy riding it anymore - so i sold it last month...ill be in the market for something new late next year once i finish school 3. i dont even drink, riding or not...hell, im the designated driver for a few of these bubbies on here....alcohol contributed to decreased health of my father and his young death - i do not need that in my life go ahead, make more assumptions asshole - prove how fucking sweet you are because you have a little weiner and a fast bike, tell me more things about myself that i dont know if the site is shit, and you dont get along with the members, and nobody is ever as fast as you, why the fuck do you log in everyday big shot?
  17. getting an object shoved up ur ass isnt the same as being fucked by another dude...atleast not in my book
  18. saw an r8 on waggoner rd the other day...mmmmmm sexy
  19. and lmfao at how petty you are. i feel sorry for ya man, i really do.
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