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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. Full time, not under the table, fixed schedule... No more working 2-3 part time Jobs simultaneously that don't care if you call out every day to go riding lol
  2. Lol never gonna happen... And people to ride with isn't the issue, but having an adult job is what's holding me back now lol
  3. Omg this thread is mine! Moooooooooom he's in my thread saying mean thinggssss! Whaaaaaaaaaaaa
  4. Funny for me. Lolololol. Take your morals and feelings elsewhere pussies.
  5. 18s and 19s look great, but tires are fucking stupid priced for those sizes
  6. ok cool...so sounds like my best bet would be -1/+1 to be sure i dont need a chain with it...i plan to do it sometime in the near future...thanks
  7. Stupid question probably, but I assume if you go +2 rear, do you need a new chain? What about -1/+1?
  8. Cbr1000rr vs bandit 1200...My money is on the cbr
  9. Idk about calling that a lot more motor... I'd put my bike up against that light to light for sure... My bike makes more hp and torque stock, and is also tuned for low and mid hp... Not saying your bike is slow or even that mines faster, but I wouldn't by any means say your bike is a lot more motor...
  10. I think this is what I meant to say
  11. What do you ride that's a ton bigger? My bike is a 1k... Torque out the ass stock
  12. I'm not sure if that post makes sense or not... I'm pretty impaired at the moment... But hopefully you get my question or statement or whatever
  13. That's the point... How often do you do 160? I'd rather do 155 with a off the line grunt than 160... I don't do 150 often, so it won't bother me to lose some rpm on the big end to have more hooligan fun below 100?I'm all about acceleration and hooligan shit lol... I don't mind trimming a few mph off the big end to make 0-80 quicker
  14. i am clueless about gearing other than the very basics....is there any benefit to going 0/+2 as opposed to -1/+1 ? jumping up 2 in the rear seems more convenient than switching both sprockets?
  15. the thought behind it is using all of the RPM band....if youre bike doesnt make enough hp to redline in 6th, then its wasted rpm....why do 150 max speed at 10krpm, when you can do the same 150 at 12k and have better acceleration everywhere else....essentially youre picking up acceleration, and not giving anything away up top because your bike wasnt using all of the rpm range anyways....i will be doing the same, my cb wont redline in 6th, i plan to change the gearing....if shes done at 150ish, id rather be at redline at that speed than below, if it means picking up some much unnecessary, yet quite fun, bottom end grunt
  16. Wow.... Feel bad for new owner... Kinda like when you see a dude on the street with a girl, and you know she's a whore, but he has no idea... Oh well, everyone makes a poor purchase now and then
  17. I work for Chase and they don't care about tattoos at all... I work with people who have full sleeves, neck tats, etc
  18. have you seen those crazy pics of frozen lake erie? its pretty awesome stolen from gen3: http://www.buzzfeed.com/ashleyperez/lake-erie-is-currently-frozen-over-and-looks-like-the-planet
  19. Plenty to complain about. Every season out west is better than Ohio.. Winter, spring, fall are all nice and warm and sunny.. Summer is hot, but there's no humidity so it's way more tolerable than 90 degrees and 1700% humidity... The only time of year I dislike in AZ is monsoon season, which is like 2 months of humidity and or rain... Otherwise, no complaints
  20. You can hit up my ex's dad...Awesome work at a good price Smock Construction (614) 935-0674
  21. Bump for awesome price, $2500 ain't bad for a wobbled out yzf... LBTSGLWS
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