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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. Between harley and goldwing, I'd have to take the wing... I cannot stand listening to harleys, let alone riding one
  2. Parking a bike outside in the snow all winter is going to deteriorate it much faster than putting it in a garage... It's not about different sun or water, it's common sense.... It's not always 85 and humid, there is winter in Ohio
  3. He's making fun of Cici's Pizza
  4. Yea.. Even the governor of Nevada is upset how blm is handling this... It's all a mess... Just waiting for the one person with an itchy trigger finger (on either side) to ignite this whole situation
  5. He says he shouldn't have to pay them to blm because they don't own the land any more than he does and he was there before them. He already said he would be willing to pay them to the state of Nevada Clark County who actually own the land.. He isn't against paying them, he's against paying them to the crooked fedSuggesting it's a fake story shows you know nothing about the situation, regardless of which source it's posted from ... Seems to be a theme around here watching your posts... CNN is reporting the same story, Washington times.. There are political figures who are traveling there and will be there in person. Mobilized militia groups have clearly stated they are on site (check some of their independent pages).... Damn faux news and their made up stories Here you go, little background (I didn't write this) : Those who say Bundy is a “deadbeat” are making inaccurate claims. Bundy has in fact paid fees to Clark County, Nevada in an arrangement pre-dating the BLM. The BLM arrived much later, changed the details of the setup without consulting with Bundy — or any other rancher — and then began systematically driving out cattle and ranchers. Bundy refused to pay BLM, especially after they demanded he reduce his heard’s head count down to a level that would not sustain his ranch. Bundy OWNS the water and forage rights to this land. He paid for these rights. He built fences, established water ways, and constructed roads with his own money, with the approval of Nevada and BLM. When BLM started using his fees to run him off the land and harassing him, he ceased paying. So should BLM reimburse him for managing the land and for the confiscation of his water and forage rights? Cliven Bundy’s problem isn’t that he didn’t pay — he did — or that his cattle bother tortoises — they don’t
  6. I'd go with an st1300 or fjr1300 if I was looking at a touring bike
  7. Bs answer. In a real life situation, everyone would take a 12g slug. 12g is superior to 38 special in every way... Argue all you want that 38 is plenty of power, but please stop pretending it's better than 12g. No offense and shit. Although I'm eeither really high or you guys aren't on the same page or I'm not on your same page... Because sounds like Gump means you're the deer.. If so, duh 38 better chance of getting away after... But I don't think you got where he was coming from.
  8. Gotta agree with Gump... Pistol rounds aren't suited for hunting large game... Plus, why would anyone even want to use Pistol rounds? I'd take a 12g slug over a 9mm any day
  9. On that note... I also shot a raccoon with the same gun because it was in the chicken coop trying to snatch a chicken.. Took 2 shots before the thing even hit the ground.. Third shot to put it out of its misery didn't even finish it right away... It's remarkable how much fight animals have in them
  10. At my ex's place, I had a large buck confront me and was making threatening gestures while I was tending to their horse... Not sure if I just started it or what but it had its head lowered and was kicking it's front legs against the ground... Pulled out a 40 subcompact with speer gold dots in it (bonded jhp) and fired at it once, hit square in the chest (from the front, he was facing me)... Fucking deer took off never to be seen again... I was within 15yds... I don't feel like a 38 would have been any better than my 40
  11. Easy way to get people to quit that don't want to be there.. Depending how much they make, that 5k could be a month or two of pay... Plenty of time for people to find a new job.. And saves amazon the expense of shitty employees
  12. 8/2/06... You beat me by a little bit lol
  13. I quit smoking and ditched the vape... Kept burning up coils and getting a mist of ejuice in my throat.. No thanks, not worth the money and hassle so went cold turkey... Haven't had a cig since Mardi Gras.. Still use snus pouches at work sometimes though
  14. Ponyjr has an app like this... Forget what it's called... Pm him and ask
  15. Or get a good deal on bike and buy a frame w/title on eBay for a few hundred... Kinda labor intensive though
  16. Install hotcams and delete decompression lever... Problem solved... Best mod I ever did to my 250
  17. accidental, or intentional???
  18. My stock tires are also Bridgestone, bt015... Not sure what you ride, but I get a lot of tire spin if I run over any smooth surfaces or odd transitions in the roadway (passing over double yellows etc)... The tires just feel very lacking... Can't wait to dump them for something else, but they're lasting forever lol.... I won't buy Bridgestone anything anymore
  19. My last jobs were ups, advance auto, and under the table work with my exes dad...ups was a bs part time Union job.. Advance was a fuckin joke, working with females who get paid more than me asking me "who makes explorers? Is that ford or Chevy?", and the construction work was good, but unstable, under the table, etc... This is my first real job that has decent income and job security, and a full schedule lol
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