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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. Then we found the snow.....WTF....I moved to AZ to escape this nonsense... Carnage from an old forest fire Crazy having so much open space.. Headed back...it got cold by the time we headed back...we were pretty much ready to get back to camp and build a fire Overall a very fun trip! The road wasn't what I expected from a riding standpoint, but overall, it was way more incredible than any place ive ever been. It transitioned from different landscapes and sceneries all the time...It was amazing. I definitely recommend checking it out if youre ever in the area, even if its just in a car.
  2. The road had some awesome areas, like this one. .... Then we came into a grassy meadow which was neat. Perfect pavement, straight with some mild curves...Got to open it up a little bit which was nice after doing 35 for the first 20 miles of this road Then back into the woods....Reminded me of Ohio all over again.
  3. Went for a ride out to The Devil's Highway a couple weekends back. Here's some pics from the trip, it was a blast. However, people praise this as one of the best motorcycle roads, but I tend to disagree. It was breath taking when it comes to scenic value...But pretty much 90 miles of constant curves with 1000+ ft drops and pretty much zero guardrails anywhere. Too much risk to really enjoy leaning it over too far. We had fun none the less! Headed out on a friday afternoon and setup camp when we got there. Campgrounds were pretty secluded, and happened to be in an area with free range cows. About 10 of them decided to barge through our campsite and wake us up in the morning. Next day we hit the road for a day of riding! Drove through a couple small mining towns which was pretty cool, and then hit the road. We drove the bike and the car into town, to get more firewood, then left the car at a grocery store while we rode.
  4. We'll hang out sometime that week, maybe have another smaller get together on a week night or something....We'll be in town until the following saturday, but thats when we head back, and doing xmas on friday we leave so cant do party then like i planned....but anytime 14-20th, no plans, so ill hit you up
  5. Bjs brewhouse is awesome... Love that place, so happy we have one here
  6. I'm coming home for a visit and we're planning a get together at Cornerstone Pub ... Everyone is welcome... Be there around 9-10ish Cornerstone Pub 1014 N Hamilton Rd, Gahanna, OH I learned my lesson last time about you guys... Just pouring shots down my throat... My goal is to actually remember this party, unlike my going away party lol Should be a good time Hope to see some familiar faces there
  7. You will never park there with a trailer unless willing to leave it unattended and walk a good distance It is awesome though lol
  8. Snus isn't really that bad for you...It's not like regular dip.. Many studies show no harmful effects, and some brands don't even have a health warning on the can
  9. Ok I scheduled those days also (plus some drive time)
  10. Any dates yet? I have until Friday to put in my vacation requests
  11. Thoughts? I don't think it even happened. False flag. Big elaborate orchestra by the current administration to push their political agenda. And no, I'm not saying I think the gov killed the kids, I'm saying I don't believe there were even any kids killed. I think the whole story is a big elaborate hoax.
  12. It says with intent to use for hiding drugs... My bet is they found the compartment, and brought in a drug dog that probably smelled drug residue in it... Those dogs can smell drugs weeks sometimes months after they have been removed from a compartment
  13. When are we setting a date for this? I need to put in my vacation request
  14. I must be the only one upset that he didn't strike the van's gas tank and erupt it into a ball of fire.... That woman seems like a drain on society and her little mini mes will grow up and be the same
  15. i should be able to make it to this....depends on a few things currently going on though
  16. for comfort reason - keep the fairing
  17. If ever need adopted, I'd make a great dad to you, son.
  18. That is my dream rifle... Very jealous! Shit, you can buy another bike for the price of one of those things though
  19. Scrap yards will usually let you weigh stuff if you ask nicely
  20. Probably order mine end of the month... Where did you get yours from? I can only find one online vendor for them in the US
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