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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. Quality between arai and shoei seems pretty close to me... Comes down more to which one fits your head better imho
  2. yea no big deal or expense to tear the roof off a house, build it taller, knock out the bedroom on the other side of the garage wall to create an overhang for a truck bed, then try and explain to the HOA and the landlord who owns the house why one section is taller than the other section and why you just turned their house from a 3 bedroom to a 2 and a half bedroom......youre such a fucking idiot magley. like i said, glad this is so fucking entertaining for you. youre the biggest piece of shit ive ever come in contact with. i hope some day your fucking karma catches up to you. fuck you. no DIY capability? i bet ive done more construction work than you have....apparently you dont know what all is fucking involved in a project like that even on a house you own, let alone on a house youre renting and in a neighborhood with an HOA....youve clearly displayed that you have no fucking idea what you are talking about so please just shut the fuck up. when you fuck around with someone over some dumb shit like gun laws, thats one thing. to take some shit like this that is actually impacting my family and myself and turn it into a fucking game for yourself, you really are a fucking piece of shit. i sincerely from the bottom of my heart hope that something like this happens to you some day so you know how it fucking feels. that truck had a lot of sentimental value to my stepdad, and a few personal items from his wedding were inside of it and even those are gone - shit hes more upset that he lost that stuff than the rest of the truck. keep fucking making fun of the situation dude, keep displaying what a fucking scumbag you are. that shit will catch up to you some day. hopefully sooner than later.
  3. Why do they require professional install?
  4. thanks bud ill look into it....ill be looking for a powerstroke, this truck was a v10 though....my old amigo had a clutch shut off switch hidden under the dash....essentially killed power to the safety switch when you pushed in the clutch to start the car it didnt recognize the clutch was pressed so it wouldnt start....thats actually a decent idea, maybe hide a button for the ignition or something...wouldnt prevent a tow truck, but i doubt theres any sure100% way to prevent theft....at least make it harder for them i suppose i feel like something that would buy some time to respond would be work awesome in conjunction with a good alarm with a key fob beeper to keep next to the bed....alarm would go off and id have some time to respond. if i can find an alarm system like the scorpio one i posted above, the proximity sensor would help in regards to someone towing it.....when they took this truck, they just busted the ignition out and drove it off
  5. the fuck are you talking about? making a garage deeper and taller is not a "minor mod" and would cost more than the truck would. not to mention you would never get HOA approval on a taller door, and its a rental house at that. please stop trolling and go fuck yourself. glad youve found entertainment in our shit getting stolen. maybe next time im in columbus ill make your shit disappear so we can all crack a few jokes on the fucking internet.
  6. and scruit - i have a suspicion that they did strip it on location in the desert....it seemed rushed. if they had it at a chop shop, i dont understand why they wouldnt have taken the rest of it...motor, transmission, doors, lift kit, etc....seems like they only grabbed what they could grab in an hour and then ditched the rest....dont know that for sure, but thats how it looks to me....if i had stolen it, i would have dumped a lot less truck - theres still money to be made there
  7. your vision must suck if you think that truck would fit in that garage. probably wouldnt even fit without a lift kit, let alone that one. my f250 stock ride height on 33s wouldnt fit in the garage height wise, or length wise...and it was single cable. that ones ext cab 4" lift on 35s....it aint happening.
  8. He just bought it a month or two ago from a dealership and he's slightly over his head on it, plus it has a grand worth of tires he just put on it... His gap coverage covers 125 percent of bluebook so hopefully he will be OK there, but he's definitely not making money... And why even buy another truck without buying an alarm system? They know he's an easy target and will probably just steal it again
  9. So essentially, have non local installation, and reprogram key fobs... As for gps - I'm not convinced in it... Kinda seems like out here where this is so common, I wouldn't really trust it... They would have several hours to disable it if they snatched it while I'm asleep. I appreciate the suggestion and will look into it I was wondering if there's any kit like this one, but for cars www.motorcycle-superstore.com/14/71/991/13728/ITEM/Scorpio-SR-i900-RFID-Security-System.aspx?WT.ac=SLIsearch
  10. Anyone able to recommend a good car alarm system? Must have a key fob that goes off as well to set next to the bed Step dad's truck was stolen the other night and turned up dumped in some brush in the desert stripped down... Took the seats, lights, wheels, all electronics in the doors, all electronics off the motor, even stole his person items like the garter he had on his rear view mirror from his wedding... Such a Badass truck left like a pile of scrap...He just put brand new 35s on it too... Looking for an alarm for him and possibly for myself if I end up buying a truck...police said lifted trucks are a major target out here due to drug smuggling Anyone recommend a good system? Are these the kind of things best left to professionals in terms of installation?
  11. people on dialer do. ownerships collections where my gf works pays 2-3 dollars less and the bonus structure is fucked. they dont do so hot, but she still makes about16/hr and with her mandatory OT and her bonus when she gets it, her checks are $40 less than me......supervisor jobs are cool and everything, but once you get off the phones you take a pay cut....even job coaches.... only even mentioned pay because someone posted that chase is firing everyone and rehiring new employees for 1/4 of the money, which isnt true. UPS does that, ive seen it, I know companies will do it....but that isnt the case currently at chase....you know as well as i do that the reason for all these layoffs and rehires is the reg x BS....it doesnt have to do with some big plot to fire hard working people and replace them with high schoolers at minimum wage
  12. Why you always calling me out anyways? I don't even know you. You tried that shit before when I mentioned a traffic stop back in Ohio. I have no reason to lie about any of that shit. What would that benefit me at all?
  13. No reason to lie bub. 18.19/hr base pay comes to around 38k plus 2250/mo bonus for smashing the easy ass production goals adds another 27k yearly. My "Gross Pay" is sitting right at $64,200/yr. Bet me $500 cash and I'll send you a copy of my paystubs for the past 2 month showing no OT (aside from like maybe 10-20 minutes, where i got stuck on calls for a minute or two after shift ended). We're allowed 10 hrs OT per week also which would gross me another grand a month if wasn't too lazy to work it, which would bring me to around $76k.... Wanna get proved wrong? Let's do it, throw some cash on the table. I work standard base collections, loss mit solicitor on dialer
  14. How so? The people they are cutting get first dibs on all the new jobs. They're just restructuring for new government regulations... And they definitely aren't hiring for 1/4 of what they normally pay.... I work standard collections and make over 60k a year... Doubt they ever paid 240k a year to hourly employees
  15. It ain't even that bad... They're laying off a ton of people, but hiring a shit ton too.. Most people are just migrating to new positions and the ones who don't get a fucking baller severance package and chase helps them find new jobs at other companies... They layed off 150 people today at my location and nobody walked out of that meeting upset ... Plus, they give 90 days notice to give you time to apply for other positions in the company... You don't walk in and get let go.. Even give you time off during that 90 days to interview at other companies
  16. Got mine too! All the bitching I did about having you make me some blue ones and I ended up using the gold lol... Oh well, that's why I ordered 5 lol wanted to see which I liked best... Now to stick my other 4 at random places around the state...find some cool motorcycle spots and brand them!
  17. I think you just drive around looking for shit to get into. Like some rogue English batmanesque character
  18. It's America. People can ride whatever the fuck they want. Don't like it magz? Fuck off.
  19. I like both... Both are different kinds of fun... Drag racing bikes is an awesome time... Eventually building a drag bike, but I'll always have a bike for the twisties too
  20. Riot control because osu fans are crazy fucking idiots after the Michigan game
  21. Negative rep. On accident, my bad lol If dry and hot makes them better, I might have to toss a few in the ground here next spring... Maybe order a ton online and eat to find out which ones I like enough to grow
  22. Got my decals today! Thanks bud... Ordered 5 of them because I couldn't decide on a color
  23. SC looks the best, but I hate the heat generated from high mount pipes.. If it was my bike, I would buy the arrow I think... Doesn't look as nice as the SC, but I ride more often than I sit and look at my bike
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