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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. State Farm has always been the cheapest for me. I pay less than $400 total a year for 2 motorcycles...and I've had a "couple" speeding tickets.
  2. The reason Liar has a chance to be president is because Asshole is such a terrible candidate. The reason Asshole has a chance to be president is because Liar is such a terrible candidate.
  3. Sauerkraut. You can pretty much each unlimited amounts unless you worry about salt, I don't
  4. For snacks, I usually do 100 cal packs of microwave popcorn, sugar free popsicles, or pickles.
  5. When I dropped weight, I was consistently loosing 1.5 to 2 lbs per week. I made sure not to starve myself, because I knew that wouldn't last too long. I ate a lot of high protein, low calorie foods that were also filling. I made a big effort to add as few calories as possible when cooking (baking instead of frying...spices instead of dressing, butter, or oil). It worked for me.
  6. 100k on a bike is an accomplishment. Most I've put on any single bike was about 40k. I have bike ADD.
  7. Yep. It's a skill, like any other. If you take the time to understand, you can learn. You can find similar templates on the web. If you aren't financially savvy you should already know it. In that case, talk to multiple professionals and find one you are comfortable with.
  8. Since I fired my professional and learned how to invest, my results are much, much, much better. I also couldn't justify the fees I was paying.
  9. I haven't looked into 529s in a few years, but when I did they didn't seem to have much of an advantage over just putting the money in a retirement account. I even seem to remember some disadvantages if you ever try to get financial aid for college.
  10. Have you tried Karl's Inn at the Barrister?
  11. I wouldn't suggest 676 for a group that is unfamiliar. There are a few corners on that can get you unless you know the road. There's also a jump.
  12. Nope. For the same reason I won't ride my kids on my bike until they're 10. I accept the risks of riding. I won't take a passenger unless they are also capable of accepting those risks.
  13. In addition to motorcycles and riding, I occupy my time with wemmin' guns and liquor.
  14. I'm not usually one to lawyer up, but I this case I have some concerns about how my injury was diagnosed. I have a follow-up appointment tomorrow. I have many questions for them.
  15. OOC, how does misreading an MRI seem reasonable?
  16. If it turns out it's a severe strain that can heal with rehab that would be good news. But, there's also potential that I need to have another surgery in the near future to fix this. I can't say I'm too happy about being opened up due to a misread MRI
  17. I'm sure they will. If they didn't they'd basically be admitting to making a mistake, which a hospital will never do for legal reasons.
  18. So, I had surgery on my "completely torn" distal bicep tendon on Tuesday. The orthopedic surgeon saw in the MRI that the tendon was completely torn from the bone, which will never heal on it's own and can only be repaired surgically. When I came out of anesthesia the surgeon tells me they opened up my arm but didn't fix anything and closed me back up. It turned out the tendon that was "completely torn from the bone" was just fine and completely attached how it is supposed to be. Basically the surgeon misread the MRI and cut me open for no reason. The surgeon tells my "maybe" I tore some internal tendon fibers but he couldn't find them during surgery. Now my arm is still messed up pretty bad. I only have about 20% strength in my bicep. So, either the surgeon missed something or it's a severe strain that will heal without surgery.
  19. This is why I like my VFR12. I slabbed it all the way to the Gap and felt fine. It did just fine on in the twisties when I got there.
  20. Since this is turning into a steak thread, Delmonico's in Independence is surprisingly good. I've gotten better steak there than other places that cost twice as much.
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