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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Tpoppa

    Katana Hate?

    It depends on what you want it for. They were marketed as supersports, but they are not proper supersports. It a fine motorcycle in other roles though. The looks don't seem to work for everyone.
  2. You aren't eating it (hopefully), but it has already been paid. As a business, you are then trying to make a margin on those costs. https://faculty.washington.edu/danby/bls324/trade/tariff.html (there are plenty of other sources that will say the same thing. " A tariff is a fee assessed on imports. This can be imposed in various ways but we’ll stick with the “specific tariff,” a simple per-unit charge. The tariff represents a per-unit charge that has to be paid to the government by whomever brings the good across the border and into the country. If there is a $1,000 tariff on imported automobiles, then no new car can be imported into the United States without paying $1,000 to customs agents as it is brought in. "
  3. Sorry but no. Tariffs are not collected at the time of sale. They are collected at the time of import. Paid for by the importer/exporter. The wholesale price is higher, so it's very likely that the retail price will also be higher. Even if the price was too high and the product NEVER sells because consumers instead bought products made in the USA (not subject to said tariff), the import tariff has already been collected. Try harder next time.
  4. You might want to research that a bit further. At the end of the process the prices would be higher and that does impact the consumer. But where do you think that tariff money goes? Who is actually collecting it?
  5. When Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall, I always assumed he meant from funds collected through an import tariff.
  6. you guys know this already exists in Texas, right?
  7. I have no idea what you are talking about. Your statement isn't really applicable to this situation, but If I was known for repeatedly breaking laws in my home country, I would not be surprised if the other countries wouldn't allow me to immigrate.
  8. I agree that the immigration issue is mostly about votes. That is also why the left doesn't want voter verification, and the right pushes for it. However, why would you want to let people into the US that have already proven they're willing to break US laws? If you want to come here then do it legally
  9. I always thought it was a pretty unremarkable pistol. There are other 9s that are lighter, more accurate, more reliable, better triggers, etc.
  10. Not a huge fan of the 320, but anything is better than the m9. I doubt they'll move away from 5.56 anytime soon. They are plenty lethal and weigh less than rounds like the 7.62. A Marine or soldier can carry more of them. In combat, sometimes more rounds are better than bigger ones.
  11. In general, considering all types of riders perhaps the track is safer. But compared to our specialized, very skilled riding group that has ridden together for years... There's no way on earth the track is safer. And its not even close.
  12. The 1200 motor is physically smaller than the previous generation 800. If you sit on a Vfr1200, the first thing you'll notice is the build quality is off the charts...even better than other Honda's.
  13. They are great bikes. I wonder how much difference the ohlins and catridges actually make. The stock suspension is actually really good.
  14. This is worth watching. I should tell you that I'm not sure if these wolves are republicans or democrats...but half of you may be opposed to them.
  15. The last book I read was Green Eggs and Ham. The twist is that he likes them after all.
  16. I feel that I will be bringing a really nice bourbon to the gap this year.
  17. If you haven't tried Maker's 46, put it on your list. I doesn't really taste like regular Maker's, which I also like, but I would mosdef buy again.
  18. Even Williams is pretty good. Bulliet and Jim Beam Black are also good ones for the price.
  19. This is the last of the safe cleaning for awhile. S&W bodygaurd .38, details above $400 Ruger SR45 in stainless with an extra factory mag (3 total). This is a well built .45 and a nice shooter. $425
  20. That map proves Michigan sucks.
  21. There's a few tiers. I stay closer to $50/bottle.
  22. Bourbon is the only spirit native to these united states.
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