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Everything posted by FocusDave01

  1. yeah the rain seemed to die off with the temperature as well...
  2. ill be coming down 42 until i get to 35 then go west and meet at the orchard lane local like i said hopefully i can snag some columbus people to ride down to *cough *cough MJ! *cough
  3. phew!! yet another thread started and im not to blame!!!
  4. pretty good man how bout yourself? you goin to the anniversary ride on saturday?

  5. haha thats badass must be nice to switch bikes once a year :lol:

  6. last i checked thursday was looking good from mid morning on!
  7. hello fellow r6 rida!!!

  8. no prob fellow rider!!!

  9. +100 to that so jealous some friends of mine moved to florida
  10. o wow..you never did tell me what you were trying to buy there? have you talked to anyone there? let me know how it goes what you trying to get?

  11. how far this QSL from west chester? i know dayton is like 10-15 min if 75 isnt slammed
  12. if i didnt work till 5pm and were able to get there early id so be down to help out...
  13. cool cool man! let me know if you change your mind!

  14. your avatar gives me nightmares :lol:

  15. damn only 18 for the ride? seems like more where coming :-(
  16. actually thats my brothers car and he did use it on the car but only on the hood think he used the meguirs or nothing ill have to ask him...takes a little longer to wax the car and he gets lazy lol
  17. yeah you prob wouldnt notice it...its actually a spray but dries like a wax you would do the "wax on wax off method"..just try it next time you detail it...
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