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Everything posted by PhilS

  1. Hey dude: Yeah......I was thinking about you yesterday as we ate at the same Sonic we did last year...... You ever thought about one of those Conquests or something to get you back out? http://www.conquest-international.com/conquest1200.html Please keep in touch man.......... Later
  2. Route 800 from 70 to the river to and from the church via 78 and such..................275 miles plus stops. Sounds doable.
  3. So....... I was curious if there are any "flat twisties or at least aggressive sweepers" in Ohio for a good ride sometime? I'd live to find some roads sometime where the turns are not blocked by trees or rapid elevation changes so you can at least see the whole turn, any impending doom from traffic, and have a fair chance of ripping into the turn without worry of a decreasing radius or other un-planned event. And before you say "just become a better rider".....(haha).....I'm working on that! Anyway - thoughts on these types of roads, if anywhere?
  4. I agree. Seeing an ape slide at 50mph leaves a lot of fur and blood on the pavement, which is simply bad for it and for those in trail. Seeing as how I spent most the day behind it, I can tell you that it sounds very, very, good.
  5. BTW - A great way to start the ride. See y'all next month.........
  6. Yep - fact. And, Hobbits are way too short to ride sportbikes that well!!! I know - I googled it! HA!
  7. Hey there: What a great day indeed!! I was becoming more and more comfortable in those turns, but have a ways to go "riding my own ride" as they say. i was REAL GLAD no one got busted by that Sheriff on 78! I can imagine you front half group must have been 80+ when he passed........but, he never turned around. And...........Woo Hoo as well on the no crashes (except for the flying wheelchair) and only one fuel starvation casualty!!! Doh!! Amazing how someone had instant lawnmower gas on the spot. You were taken care of in the middle of nowhere.........go figure. Really looking forward to June. My band is playing some charity gig on the day so depending on the time-frame the band plays will determine my involvement in that ride. Great day. See ya next time, Phil
  8. Assuming you mean the motorcycle ride as opposed to the bicycle ride listed above........ 256 out of Reynoldsburg to 664 south. 664 south to 180 near 33 180 down to 678 to 56. Take a couple back roads from there to 93 then down to McArthur route 50. Then over to 278 and back up to Nelsonville for lunch. 78 out of Nelsonville to 13 in Glouster. Take 13 up through New Lexington and Somerset on to 757 to 204 and back home. 195 miles round trip and about 5 hours or so in the saddle.
  9. One can only hope the weather next Saturday is nicer than today..........but I was out riding at 7AM anyway, just a bit chilly and windy. Amazing how adding bodywork to an ex-naked bike can turn it into a barn door in sideways wind!! Anyway, take note that lunch/gas next weekend will most likely be at the Sonic/Speedway in Nelsonville which is 3 hours in to the trip and 115 miles from start. We can get gas in McArthur at the BP at 93/50 for those of you who are "capacity challenged" which is 80 miles from beginning and 2:15 mins - (or less). Sonic takes cash and credit cards both.... Either way, we're all looking forward to a great ride. John will have both of his bikes there as Pastor Dave is joining us on John's Ape! I'm also looking forward to Todd not passing me either! HAHAHAHA! Please meet around 9AM gassed up and ready to launch at 9:30AM if at all possible. Later......Phil
  10. Just unofficially bringing this one back to life or to the forefronts of your minds. Last time out we had 23 bikes and it was a blast. Looking forward to rinding behind y'all on the 15th. Later - Phil
  11. Well Hocking it is. John is working on the route now..................more details later, but you can count on this: Saturday May 15 -Calvary Chapel of Columbus 6075 East Livingston Avenue 9AM arrival gassed up and ready to ride 9:30 launch Some details are working out, but the route should look something like this: 195 mile round trip down 664, 180, 678, 374, 664 again, to 93 to 50 MacArthur. Then 50 and 278 to Nelsonville, then 78, 13, and back to the start via 204 and 256. It'll be about 2 hours/90 miles to MacArthur where we get gas, an hour or less to Nelsonville for eating maybe??, then another 2 hours back home. More details to come............
  12. Mike and I opted for the already cooked food of the "can't screw it up tomato soup" and the "already made turkey/cheese samich!!" All was very good and we tipped the waitress "in advance".........thus we got great service and hot food real fast. Sometimes that works!!!
  13. Yep - I like that 56 ride to and from Athens...........and I've never been to Jimbos. Sounds fun to me as well.
  14. Hello again: As was buried in the Ride #1 thread, anyone have any favorite rides/roads/areas/places to go/places to eat that they would like to set up for the next ride? All going like normal, this will be on Saturday May 15 leaving from the same place as last time with a 9AM arrival and a 9:30AM launch. Put the thoughts out there and we'll get it planned then post it in the events calendar again. Thanks to all who showed up on April 17 - that was very cool. We'll get a broom truck out front next time and ask the sun to work a bit harder!!!! Hope you're not too sore this morning Rick..........
  15. Rick's head is missing in photo 2.............WOW!!!! But other than that, he appeared fine.
  16. Hi Guys/Girls: The ride was fun and I was real happy to see how many showed up. The CSBA rides have been as small as 1 or 2 with about 4 normal and maybe 10 on the high end. Adding all you OhioRiders cycles made it an outstanding day. Next time I'll plan a route that is a bit more balanced out on the legs. If we would have gone all the way to Millersburg we'd still be riding home now!!!! As was said earlier, the next ride will most likely be in the Hocking area on the 15th (third Saturday in May). If any of you have favorite roads that are "must rides" while down there, speak up now and we'll get 'em routed. Mike (the Buell guy) and I (the Bandit guy) had to split early so I could sell a cycle today. Thank God we had a great and fast waitress!!!! She was tipped well. I think we had better fortune than some, eh? And to the woman with the Suzuki GSX-R600 - outstanding looking bike........ Now I need only two things...... 1) An OhioRiders sticker for the bike, and 2) More trust in the tires so as not to have the only Bandit in the bunch holding you people up!!!!!
  17. So, with Porter bringing the 250 Ninjette, this will be just one more bike in front of me putting me and the Bandit to shame. Oh..............the humiliation!
  18. Hey there:

    i heard from another member that you mount tires and you do this near Hilliard. Is this true? If so, what do you use, how much is it off the bike, and have you ever used Dyna Beads?

    Phil (Hilliard)

  19. I even asked for this thread to be deleted.........man I'm a dork!! Can't even get my dates correct. Thanks for the ribbing.............
  20. Crap - just now realized I was in the "EVENT" section. Sorry, MFCD - multiple forum confusion disorder.
  21. Today is 12/23/6:42AM. Last new post I saw was 12/18 at 1:57PM.
  22. 1st - You were in Iraq in the army. Thank you very much for keeping us safe and free. 2nd - Sorry about your tools, man - sucks. I'm sure some guys would come over and dismantle that bike for you so you could send them off...... 3rd - See #1 again.
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