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Everything posted by Erieaddict

  1. Very interseted in this for my mother in law . Any clue to what this may weigh?
  2. Love the blue and white paint scheme. Did you lay it on?
  3. I have had a red 1978 that I brought back from the dead for about 5 years. Been in numerous cars and coffee shots. Also have a 1990 vert, and now the 1973 http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff201/erieaddict/null_zpse112d3e7.jpg http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff201/erieaddict/null_zps2587ebb7.jpg http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff201/erieaddict/null_zps0c053093.jpg
  4. Picked up a new to me 73 stingray. The guy tells me the color is metallic magenta. Not a OEM color. Need to get some touch up paint. Can any one recommend a shop in central ohio, Columbus area who might help me out?
  5. I have a similar issue in my neighborhood . I walk my chocolate lab at least 3 times a day Around the block. There are 2 different houses that are always an issue. One house the lady has 3 little " rat dogs" they are small loud and always are nipping at me and my dog. The owner could careless that her dogs are coming out in the street after me and my dog. The other house is a in issue. They have a boxer that they can't control. On two occasions it has come bolting thru their front screen door and attacked my lab. The first time I kicked hard in the ribs and it yelped and let go as the owner came out. I called the sheriff and filed a report. I have spoken to these neighbors several times to no avail. I asked for advice on an other site and they suggested a small super soaker loaded with ammonia. I load up and carry it with me and I am here to tell you, it works, the second time the boxer came at me, I blasted it and it stopped in its tracks and started howling. Now the little rat dogs don't even come near me. Give it a try!
  6. Doing the rolling thunder tour/cruise Thursday and the show cruise in on Friday. Stopmbybthe corvette area and say hello.
  7. Give this site a shot. I use it to see shows in other states and cities when I am traveling http://www.oldride.com/events/ohio.html
  8. Great time yesterday. Had 4 vettes make the run over to Springfield to Mershons. You need to check this place out, make sure to bring your check book. http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff201/erieaddict/9E44D07F-5229-48F8-9CAE-0B237F653CDC-23352-00000C86ED8D4136_zps427fff99.jpg http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff201/erieaddict/72B62A06-476F-47A9-9192-CCD898D5FB17-23352-00000C86ADBE1C48_zpsf81cabe1.jpg http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff201/erieaddict/9CC9DEC0-5EF9-4283-B51D-339F16C88686-23352-00000C86AA419D19_zpsee8c0030.jpg
  9. Rustletltskin, good luck selling your car, your post has been jacked. looks like someone needs to get a fuckin life. I sent you a pm
  10. What years 350 would these bolt to? I may be interested
  11. try Ariel gass compressors in Mt Vernon http://www.arielcorp.com/company/careers/careers.aspx
  12. Tim, thank you for the welcome, i think you are confusing me with the other Dave with a vette at cars and coffee. his is a 81 silver, mine is a red 78. gorgeous pictures though, i bet silver vette Dave would love to see them.
  13. Erieaddict


    learned about this site from a couple of guys at Cars and coffee in Columbus today and thought i would sign up. looking forward to reading and learning more. here is a pic of my beater http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff201/erieaddict/Corvette/IMG_0672.jpg
  14. Likwid, Thank you for the informative info on the P&C, Property and casualty for the uninformed. I have been in health, Life, long term care and anuities for the last 15 years. I tell people that i give away money for a living. the business is Always changing, and so far it has been both interesting and rewarding. I have worked both sides of the fence and by far the commision sales has many more pluses. I can make my own schedule, Want to only work 3 days next week? no problem. want to take friday off and ride to NC, no problem. Have laptop and cell phone and i am covered. Secondly, i reap the rewards for my work. For years i worked at a 9-5 job and watched the owner of the company or the corperation reap the rewards of my work. not now. What do you do if you want a $10,000.00 - $20,000.00 increase? I go sell more stuff. best off all, i get to hand out claim checks and help out folks in thier hour of need. very rewarding and i wouldn't trade it for anything. yes, i get lots of no's and don't call me back's, but thats just part of the business of sales. PS, pm me if you want to get paid cash for for a injury or illness
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