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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. Add bottle of 151 - Go to party? KillJoy
  2. Better be Don Gino's! KillJoy
  3. For this being an "evil street racing forum", there sure are a lot of good drivers. KillJoy
  4. Your Ohio driver abstract spans the previous two-year period. License Status as of 04/06/2010: VALID ENDORSEMENTS: MOTORCYCLE RESTRICTIONS: NONE ***END OF DRIVER RECORDS*** :thumbup: KillJoy
  5. Hehe... that is 40% OVER the posted speed limit. KillJoy
  6. Thanks one.... I got one. Lock it up please. KillJoy
  7. According to my Atty years back, a Non Compete will not really stand up in OH. They cannot keep you from making a living (in your field). KillJoy
  8. Like the Title says, I am looking for a Stock Take-Off Stock from a Ruger 10/22 Carbine (not Bull Barrel). Lemme know that you have! KillJoy
  9. What I intended was that if you no call / no show, and a week later call and make another appointment, full payment would be due at the time of the scheduling... KillJoy
  10. I replied back on the walking stick. I am going to have to back out of this commitment. Sorry. KillJoy
  11. I will take the walking stick. Tomorrow.... or when is good with your schedule to pick it up? KillJoy
  12. It is not the Bank's fault you made a poor "investment" choice. It is YOUR debt. YOU pay it.... KillJoy
  13. You mean: Do what they say, when they say, how they say? If that were the case, this Country would not be in the current financial situation it is in. KillJoy
  14. Full Cash Payment UP FRONT if you no call / no show. Just MY opinion Brian. KillJoy PS - Good seein' you today.
  15. Sure. Pick me one up too.... :thumbup: KillJoy
  16. You mean OTHER then Vendors.... right? KillJoy
  17. Yes. Because it is offered for $125 / day. :thumbup: KillJoy
  18. Jesus fucking christ there are a lot of marketing suckers on this site... KillJoy
  19. http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p301/hoblick/SL370649.jpg http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs459.ash1/25252_380573405597_651455597_4342221_5066713_n.jpg Uhh..... dude.... you got a chick tat! Might as well of gotten a Rainbow or a Unicorn! :thumbup: KillJoy
  20. Don't wreck on your way in... :thumbup: KillJoy
  21. Once your balls drop, and you get a GF, you will understand. KillJoy PS - Pubes belong on your balls.... NOT your chin!
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