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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. Corners are awesome! You get to talk with 2 sets of folks! So... are we getting a table, or using the Bar??? KillJoy
  2. Damn.... I was expecting Jones! KillJoy
  3. At least you are SWCS... We are Columbus Public. KillJoy
  4. We are in the OP's postion. There is NO WAY IN HELL I would consider this option. Private or Charter School for the Kid, and have the house on the Market until it sells... KillJoy
  5. I kind of felt the same way on this Issue.... KillJoy
  6. ...So get out an Vote! If you don't, don't bitch about any of the out comes, or what happens with the Gov't! :thumbup: KillJoy
  7. What the fuck? Are you stupid or just simple? You need a doctor, or at LEAST a Minute Clinic. Go to a Kroger or one of the MANY pharmacies that have one..... AT LEAST get seen by someone who knows what they are looking at. Asking CR if you are okay is like asking asking Bernie Madoff how to invest your money... KillJoy
  8. If I am not mistaken, this is the same guy that had made Flordia State Patrol Mercury Marauders. They NEVER went cheap... KillJoy
  9. Well, the lil shot should help out..... when in doubt.... Turn it up. KillJoy
  10. A brush guard WOULD look good now... :thumbup: KillJoy
  11. There was a lot of sun at 8:00 this morning. KillJoy
  12. What TC did you get that is doggin you down low? Go crazy high stall? KillJoy
  13. Spidey Sense is tingeling..... KillJoy
  14. I assume he is offering it as a Trade since it is along the lines of what the OP was asking for in trade. I loved my P22.... fun little gun! :thumbup: KillJoy
  15. I am sure The Misses would appreciate another female-type person being there.... KillJoy
  16. Is this the Hilton right at the Mall? If so, Online, the price is currently $109! KillJoy
  17. Are any of these drunk walking distances from the Mall? KillJoy
  18. Other then the Hilton, are there any other hotels VERY close to the Mall? KillJoy
  19. You are going to run a Fram Oil Filter on that? KillJoy
  20. Either way... be safe and have fun! :thumbup: KillJoy
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