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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. I am taking 1/2 of the week following this event off of work for our Anniversary. I do not think me taking the Track Day off would be appreciated. With that being said, if not enough sign up, or cash is a guy short, let me know. KillJoy
  2. Yup yup yup..... Bad Ass Color! Knowing nothing of Supras.... :thumbup: KillJoy
  3. I think since the recent media situation, all new members must be recommended by a current Member. I would contact Anthony.... KillJoy
  4. So..... you are now a converted Sciontologist? KillJoy
  5. Hell..... if that were my Daughter, neice or any other child I knew, I do not think HE would be the one on Trial. And think about it... IF it were YOUR kid..... you WOULD get off easy.... KillJoy
  6. Tell his Prison Buddies what he did. Sick Fuck... KillJoy
  7. Bad ass! Hopefully... the Movie turns out as well as the Trailers... KillJoy
  8. Personally.... You are not a business, correct? You are tuning for free..... correct? Does everyone know you are doing this? If anything goes wrong, either in the tune, or the increased power.... are YOU protected from any liability? I wouldn't touch it..... KillJoy
  9. Shawn doesn't have the balls to have kids! HAHA!!! Happy B-Day Fucktard.... :asshole: KillJoy
  10. Oh come on..... that man has done more for Park than ANYONE! He knows he has it, and rolls with it...... PROPS TO HIM! KillJoy PS - STILL fucking funny
  12. IMO, all Posts EXCEPT those in For Sale, and The Kitchen, should count...... KillJoy
  13. Ebay usually has the cheapies..... A "good" one will be $1k+...... Get a cheapie, and have fun KillJoy
  14. I used to have a HOPPED UP pocket bike. It would EASILY do 45mph w/ ME on it..... I was about 225 at the time.... KillJoy
  15. They are tops for AR's.... ESPECIALLY their Match Trigger. :thumbup: KillJoy
  16. I dunno how much new Rotors are.... but.... why not jsut replace them???? KillJoy
  17. KillJoy


    Adriatico's!!!! :eek: BEST IMO!!! AND CHEAP!!!! :thumbup: KillJoy
  18. KillJoy


    Oh yeah.... Lido's on Sawmill = good stuff too..... WITH Budlight KillJoy
  19. KillJoy


    WRONG........ Tony's Pep and Cheese :woowoo: KillJoy
  20. Double Hashbrown.... Scattered Smothered Covered Chunked Diced Topped + Tobasco Vanilla Coke :thumbup: KillJoy
  21. KillJoy


    Campus Pizza rocks!!! AND, you CAN'T beat the price!!! :thumbup: KillJoy
  22. W-O-W.... Is there NOTHING you will not argue about? KillJoy
  23. These things are illegal for minors to view / possess (everyone on the weed issue) to begin with, so... THAT is a moot point. You are talking about a BOOK, with words.... ONLY words. Going by your POV, the Bible should be BANNED as well.... it is not safe for children to read..... they will think they can walk on water, and will drown themselves.... KillJoy
  24. Hold it right there...... I do not believe it is MY right to FORCE MY child to believe ANYTHING. If our daughter wants to read the Bible, good for her. If she wants to believe in God, that too, is her right. And I agree w/ ^^^^^..... the Bible is a pretty dirty story. Killing, raping, stoning.... yup.... good book my ass.... KillJoy
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