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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. KillJoy

    DUI Question

    Yadavich and Palmer.... They are Downtown... KillJoy
  2. CCW in OH = Worthless. All a business has to do is put up a sign that says NO FIREARMS PERMITTED. If you are found having it (an incident), it is a Felony. They cannot be carried at the State Fair, or any Public gatherings (Red White and Boom), or Bars. The places one would MOST LIKELY want one. JMNSHO..... KillJoy
  3. If moving to Salary does not increase your pay be a MIN of 25%, it is NOT worth it. You Boss WILL KNOW you are salary, and take advantage of it at every moment possibly. Salary FTL! KillJoy
  4. If you are offering me Twins (female .... always gotta check with you, especially after that Bachlor Party you planned ), yes, I will take them both. KillJoy
  5. I know someone with a Twin Screw for sale KillJoy
  6. AGREED!!!! And, Welcome!!! KillJoy
  7. Nah..... Trying to be nice to the N00bz lately. KillJoy PS - Get back in the Kitchen and make Hal a Turkey Pot Pie!!!
  8. $30 last time I had it done. However, I am a Member there.... so I do not know if the fee was reduced due to that. The new Ownership raised rates KillJoy
  9. Then just make a form up. Buyer's name & addy, seller's name & addy. Date & sign by both. Done. No transfer Fees. Ohio DOES NOT have a firearm registration. You can legally sell it w/ no paper trail if you like. If you trust the Buyer..... it is up to you (the Seller) as to how far you want the to take the Transfer Process. KillJoy PS - I have Bought / Sold over 30 Firearms. It really is UP TO THE SELLER if it is an In-State FTF Sale....
  10. KillJoy


    Hater! You are just jealous you can't fit a party in YOUR car! KillJoy
  11. KillJoy


    A new member was born in 1988. I remember what I was doing in 1988. I feel fucking old. KillJoy
  12. Welcome Ashley. Why the hell you want a Mustang??? Firebirds are faster.....! KillJoy
  13. That made me lol. HOWEVER, Once you turn over the gun, it IS hos here in OH, unless you report it as stolen. Are you just wanting a paper trail you do not have to follow? This is why I have done the FFL Transfer. If you don;t care about having someone else follow the trail, just make 2 copies of a paper that has your info, his, and the Gun's Description and S/N, and both sign both. THEN, keep forever I have done this too for friends. SOME, not even that. OH does not require anymore for a private sale that the Buyer being LEGALLY allowed to own the firearm. 21 for a Handgun, no felonies, or restricted by other reason...... How you "transfer" is up to you. KillJoy PS - I do not know how much a "friend" can help with this at a FFl. Laws are Laws, and I am SURE the business wouuld not want to enter a "gray" area.
  14. I have always gone to a shop (the Powder Room in my case). They check it into their books, runs the Paper, then Transfers to the new Owner. Takes all of 10 minutes. :thumbup: KillJoy
  15. Are you asking why a leaking tank is losing pressure????? KillJoy
  16. Well.... the Roth comes out AFTER Taxes, and has a MAX contribution of $2k per year I believe. So..... do that, AND continue what you are doing.... ....if you have the Fundage... KillJoy
  17. Then I would put the Max in for them to Match there NO MATTER WHAT! It really is FREE Money! Then..... split up the rest??? KillJoy
  18. I though ROTH was post tax funds, and 401K pre-taxed funds? Also, I thought ROTH had a Deposit Cap per year ($2k~ish) KillJoy
  19. AND.... how much did you MAKE for those 4 Fill ups???? KillJoy
  20. The snow causde me to have to drive my Dad's F-150. $40 did NOT even put 3/4 Tank once the light came on. KillJoy
  21. We'll see...... Next Dyno is within a Week.... we'll see what Brian can squeeze outta this hairdryer with just a 3.6" Pulley. KillJoy
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