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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. Yup...not all of them can be 13. KillJoy
  2. Be nice Lani! Becki made a VERY good post! :thumbup: KillJoy
  3. Found THIS on leenks.com today. I can't believe the outcome! KillJoy
  4. Hell, I would pretty much bet that EVERY SINGLE PERSON on this Forum has (perhaps still does) stupid shit in their vehicle. That is not MY point or concern, it is bitching about those that it affects. KillJoy
  5. Yup....you are a young guy w/ a "fast" car. This post right here sums up your entire problem. You are young and know everything. When you mature a little, you will realize that when you do something stupid, it will probably piss someone off, and bitching about that person does NOTHING! KillJoy
  6. Hmmm...... 12/1- 8pm...no kids? KillJoy
  7. Oh yeah! Kick James Bond's ass KillJoy
  8. THIS is from www.mercurymarauder.net. I know nothing of the seller, or the car. KillJoy
  9. Anyone have it on MP3? Wanna share? KillJoy
  10. Unless they ROYALLY fuck it up, how could it be bad????? KillJoy
  11. I copied your post, and posted it up on www.mercurymarauder.net . Who knows.... :thumbup: KillJoy PS - Finders Fees are nice
  12. I hate people who bitch about someone telling them to stop doing something stupid. KillJoy
  13. $20 per w/ MT Tires all around. KillJoy
  14. Take this FWIW, but I know virtually nothing on Pontiac / GM Motors. With that being said, how well does the engine going into the G8 respond to boost? Or are there "better" bang for the buck Mods? KillJoy
  15. I would trade for one KillJoy
  16. WTF???? You were Downtown and DIDN'T post up BEFOREHAND???????? KillJoy
  17. What application would this SCT Chip be used in / on? KillJoy
  18. I agree. :thumbup: KillJoy
  19. Suprisingly..... EBay. I have purchased 3 off of there at different times. One was used - $19 shipped. The other 2 were new at about $25 shipped each. :thumbup: KillJoy
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