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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. It amazes me the amount of information folks put out there. All Post #1 left out was the Address. And to answer your question: I would run the 0-Gauge wire to a Distribution Block in the trunk. Then split it off. A 1 Farad Cap is about $20, and will help a little with some dimming of the lights. The Mono Amp is going to be the major power comsumer. KillJoy
  2. That right there would be any and all of Kershaw's new SpeedLok knives. KillJoy
  3. It's in Tech Help now, and that is all that matters KillJoy
  4. Thanks. It seemed to sit flush w/o having to use the bolts. Also, the TC spun freely before connecting it to the Flexplate. The TC did pull just a hair closer to the FP when tightening the TC bolts. Is there a way to tell if the Pump is damaged w/o disassemblying the Trans? KillJoy
  5. I reinstalled my Trans the other day. It looks as though I did not fully seat the TC when installing it. After a drive of about 5 miles, fluid is pouring out of the Bell Housing. The car still moves. Trans Temps never got above 180*. Could I just reinstalled the TC PROPERLY, and be okay? Or did I fuck something else up too? KillJoy
  6. I don't see one listed for a Marauder. KillJoy
  7. Many (and some here) feel that anytime a firearm is purchased, through the system, your name is put onto a list. This list says what you bought and when. Some of these folks then say, "well...if it gets to the point when guns are outlawed, they will know what I have and come and take it". I would rather ^^^THIS^^^ be the case as opposed to every dumbass in the world who wants to buy a gun to be able to do so. KillJoy
  8. No. BUT, I have used Gun-Kote and Teflon/Moly. I had very goof results w/ both. :thumbup: KillJoy
  9. KillJoy


    Bounce Around! KillJoy
  10. My favorite, was to take a screenshot of their desktop, make that their background, and remove all of the icons. KillJoy
  11. Oops.... I guess it was a rerun.... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=38061&highlight=maverick Either way.... WOO WOO!!!!!!! KillJoy
  12. On Stacy David's Gearz TODAY!!! WOO WOO!!!! :thumbup: KillJoy
  13. For me.... it is not a summer only car. I just do not like cleaing the damn thing. Not to mention, the chemicals used on the roads in Winter can't be too good for cars.... KillJoy
  14. Once I get the Trans installed, go for a "quick" test drive , and full up using Stabil.... the Marauder will be up. Hopefully, this will all be done today.... AFTER family time. :thumbup: KillJoy
  15. KillJoy

    Hey you.....

    Slowly..... I left the track, and the car went about 2 miles. Fried EVERYTHING! After I had it rebuilt.... a piston in the Valve Body got lodged shut somehow.... fried the clutch pack again. It now sits on my garage floor awaiting me to put it in tonight / tomorrow. That along w/ my newly rebuilt TC SHOULD = a 12.5 +/- .15 Quarter WOO WOO!!! KillJoy
  16. KillJoy

    Hey you.....

    I had a blown Transmission then Wanna try now? KillJoy
  17. KillJoy


    Then let him pay your bills there KillJoy
  18. KillJoy


    Kat - Make a friend who can work on your car. Dealerships rape you for Maint. Maint on a car pays for it's self... if it can be done cheaply....or free. KillJoy
  19. KillJoy


    WTF is a LDx???? :???: KillJoy
  20. KillJoy


    My 1988 Pontiac Gram Am Quad 4 got 28 mpg to louisville and back. KillJoy
  21. KillJoy


    Oh yeah..... Fluids.... Go full synth.... as low of viscocity as you can. Perform a full tune up (including O2 sensors). :thumbup: KillJoy
  22. KillJoy


    Tires at 40PSI. No A/C. Little to no electric stuff (radio, power windows) Less hard acceleration. Draft. :thumbup: KillJoy
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