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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. Not quite. Reread my posts. Like I said, you will argue 'till no end. KillJoy
  2. I would say I am impressed!!! Those old Mazda and Toyota trucks are TANKS!!! :thumbup: KillJoy
  3. I can see from this post, that you will have an argument, with no end in sight, with anyone who does not agree w/ you 100%. I'm outta here!! :thumbup: KillJoy
  4. Personally, I would prefer education for 6th-8th graders, over the pill. How the fuck old are 6th grade girls? 11-12? I cannot see how giving a girls that young would not have some kind of negative effect on her reproductive system. Condoms....well....that's a different story. Having one, and not needing it, is better than needing it, and not having one. Also, I would hope that the school would contact the parents if their child came into the Nurse's Office and asked for the pill / comdom. Hell, when I was in school, I could not even have an aspirin w/o parental consent. I see this being a lawsuit waiting to happen if the parents are not involved w/ the giving of perscribed drugs to their minor child. KillJoy
  5. Actually, I have no problem with her getting on BC. The Pill can help with girls who have really bad cramping, as well as not get a bun in the oven. Communication is the key. :thumbup: KillJoy
  6. Oh oh oh..... ONLINE BITCH FEST!!! I want in!!! How many here had sex while they were still in school? Did your parents want you to? Did you go behind your parent's backs to do it? Kids have been having sex for a LOOOOOOOONG time. They always will. It is just getting to where they are starting younger, and younger. Education is part of it. So is peer pressure. Supportive and understanding parenting IS essential though. KillJoy
  7. Like the title says, I am looking for a 1996 - 1998 Mustang Cobra Timing Cover. :thumbup: KillJoy
  8. Thanks all.... this is pretty much what I though. Just wanted to make sure I was on the right track. :thumbup: KillJoy
  9. No name. it just says "all are welcome to join" KillJoy
  10. Ok... lets see if I can explain this.... Can someone who owns a business have an Open House, and exclude someone from dropping by? Say....even have them removed saying they are trespassing. And, the"Official Invitation" was printed out, and in the person's hand? Just curious. KillJoy
  11. Damn. That's impressive. Other than the flames.... I like it :thumbup: KillJoy
  12. Congrats on the Run! Nice sleeper KillJoy
  13. KillJoy


    What was his Name and Number? Perhaps "other" people would have better luck. KillJoy
  14. I see some already mentioned Insurance. Our Homeowners Ins will not cover if we own a Pit, Rott or Dobbie. Actually...I do not think they will even insure if we have one of those. IF you have renter's / homeowner's ins.... check first. Better safe than sorry. It would most likely never be needed, but it is better to be safe....than sorry... Killjoy
  15. You could try. I'll let you buy me a beer instead KillJoy
  16. As in Hammer and Shovel, or 1320?? KillJoy
  17. SOLD PENDING FUNDS http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/vbclassified/uploaded/33aheqsxw.jpg Ruger MK II Pac Lite Receiver / Barrel Millett Multi Dot Volq Internals Volq Right Hand Grip 3 Magazines Ruger Badged Soft Case FTF in OH = $600 Check or Money Order = $660 shipped Paypal = $680 Shipped I will not part out at this time. Will ship ANYWHERE in the USA. All FFL Laws WILL BE FOLLOWED. FTF in OH for $600. MUST show valid Drivers License, and sign a Private Sales Form. KillJoy
  18. If you decide to NOT buy this.... let me know. I AM interested. KillJoy
  19. DAYUM!!!! That's a nice deal. How much work would be involve in making / getting a wiring harness? Or is it included? Either way..... badass parts :thumbup: KillJoy
  20. So.... will the time that Jordan played be considered the "Golden Age" of basketball in years to come? KillJoy PS - Dream Team for the MF win!
  21. I would like to attend, but, my car has NO transmission in it. Actually, the Transmission is in Indiana. Perhaps the beater will make an appearance!!! KillJoy
  22. Damn.... '89 BWM's actually had decent styling!! Bump for a hellova deal! KillJoy
  23. Okay.... I got some Pics of the original Pipes.... so.... here they are: First Pic.... looking towards the front of the car: http://www.mercurymarauder.net/showcase/files/4/4/6/6/CatPipe1.jpg http://www.mercurymarauder.net/showcase/files/4/4/6/6/CatPipe2.jpg http://www.mercurymarauder.net/showcase/files/4/4/6/6/CatPipe3.jpg http://www.mercurymarauder.net/showcase/files/4/4/6/6/CatPipe4.jpg http://www.mercurymarauder.net/showcase/files/4/4/6/6/CatPipe5.jpg Last Pic.... looking at Manifold Connection. http://www.mercurymarauder.net/showcase/files/4/4/6/6/CatPipe6.jpg I am wanting to remove that front Cat, and make the Tubing 2.5". KillJoy
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