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Posts posted by KillJoy

  1. The guy just sent me a pm. He stated that I did not say what I said. He also told me I do a good job of talking shit on the internet. He told me to say it to his face. If I recall that was directed to the guy in the passanger side. He just focused all the energy to him. Someone please give him fair warning. I never have trouble with anybody. Why would he wanna be the first to do so?



    YOU talk shit on THIS forum?!?!?!


    What a fucking joke.



  2. Oh no, he was like 2 inches from my door. It was funny, I go and walk over and there little crowd just left. I asked the guy if he hit my door. He responded saying he has much more respect for peoples cars than that. I said good if you plan on walking and told him to watch my fuckin car. I need to check and see if there is a scratch on my car now that I think about it!


    Dude...that just fucking sucks! I hate having to park my car near ANYONE, and this is just the reason. Some GD Jackoff who is careless, and my car gets effed up.


    Yup....a "private" area for CR Members is HIGH on my list!!





  3. Special Duty pay is not cheap, it would be way too expensive even if we charged an entry fee into the lot.


    There's got to be SOMETHING that can be done, that would actually have an effect of some kind.....


    If we only had a Cop Car... :D



  4. I agree with who cares who does the work...alot of people dont have the time or the patience to do it themselves...or the proper tools. If you do it yourself and think that makes your car better....here's a cookie http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:wmMhO_Xh0Q3EtM:http://twiggs.org/images/5203-bakery-crisp-chocolate-chip-cookie.jpg


    I never once said that wrenching yourself makes it better. I was just curious that if the guys who could can plunk down coin for a car worked on it themselves.


    Simple actually....



  5. There is your proof, now since you like to run your mouth about my phone why dont we just line up for lets say, 200$ so I can buy a new phone and then we will see how you talk...


    HAHA!!! Don't blame my you bought a queer ass phone!!!


    At least you bought a bitchen car ;)


    And seeing as I would loose badly from a roll OR a dig...I'll just buy you a beer :D



  6. First off, if you have to ask if your Honda qualifies....no. It does not...by ANY means.


    So, you guys with High End cars: Do you work on your own car, or do you pay to have someone else do it?


    The reason I ask is, I get a lot of enjoyment from wrenching on my car, and the feeling of "I did it myself".





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