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Posts posted by KillJoy

  1. Does anyone care if I offer this up to other people that I know (i.e. friends, family, etc.) and pay under my name? Is there any way to separate out the tickets?


    Hell...if that is the case...I could post it on the Marauder Forum....



  2. Ohio talking E-check ....Heard on the radio and know one knows how hard it will be pushed. But…. there’s money in it for the state with fee’s and tax’s so you know they will push it …there trying to say there’s a lot of smog in Ohio. So the question ??


    Will your car pass if they get to hard ass ….i know my 1972 :D car that ran on regular type gas will;) :)...how about yours ...and how much you think it would ...if they do the all parts has to be 50 state certified




    All current modifications should be grandfathered. ;)


    And....yes...my car would pass. The emission system is bone stock ;)



  3. Fuck no, you drove right in front of my house. I was on the front porch with a laptop. You live around here? I gotta check that thing out. It's fucking awesome.




    Yeah.... I live near Kroger. What street do you live on?



  4. Don't start Steve. You know damn well this will happen. I never back down from a run race with a friend. Just give the fat girl a few days to get right. :)


    I leave for FL July 14.


    Gonna be ready by then???




    PS - Race 2 = Red Car Race 3 = Blue Car



  5. How many cars I get ?

    From a roll!


    Fuego > Dak


    Dak was a pile of shit that you dumped money into...ADMIT IT!


    PS: I knew this was coming :)


    Roll - Fine. What speed.


    Lengths...how many?


    Faygo sucked, and you know it. The top was held on by snaps. :D


    This weekend.....




    PS - V6 Dak = Money Pit... ;)

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