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Posts posted by KillJoy

  1. You believe weather forecasts this far in advance?


    Hell, they can barely get the weather that day right, let alone the next day.


    The last 3 days Channel 10 has said (in the morning broadcast) showers in the mid afternoon. Did it? No.


    That being sad.....60's would make for some GREAT runs!!!!

  2. you must not have put enough spray on it then :)



    Yeah....I didn't spray it. I was too chickenshit to put a wet kit on due to the fucked up intake manifold design. A dry couldn't install since the fucking FPR was in the gas tank....




    PS - That slowass POS was still the most reliable vehicle I ever owned. It was slow, but I beat the living hell out of it until I flipped it :D Got all 4 wheels off the ground several times, and the front saw about 4-5 feet of air a few....


    Ahhhh....the memories

  3. I will have my camera mount in the car and for others to use for runs if they would like. It is a 3 suction cup mount so I can be put anywhere inside or out for some cool shots. It is Guaranteed up to 200 MPH so it should hold.



    I would like to get on the usage list as well



  4. I have never had a bad experience w/ 5/3. I have used them for about 14 years now.


    However, if you feel you have been fucked over...LEAVE!


    My wife used to use US Bank. She NEVER had ANY complaints w/ them. Only closed that Account to merge w/ the 5/3 Account.



  5. I mean this in the nicest possible way....fuck modifying a turd. I dumped about $2k into a 99 Dakota v6. It was louder, but that was it. It was a complete waste of money.


    IMO, buy some juice. If a Zex Dry Kit will work, I know where you can get one for about $400 with a hellova lot of extras!





  6. Not the SOLE purpose. However, my buddy Cruztaker will be in attendance, and he is a camera buff...


    I am SURE he will get some good shots.


    As for myself, I am taking my little Canon Camcorder. Hopefully some good vids will come from it...



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