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Posts posted by KillJoy

  1. i have a set of ross flat top .020 over was gonna use for a rebuild but its on hold for a bit. they are brand new. cost about 560 i beleive. i'll sell them for 450$ let me know



    Can you give me a phone number or email to forward on to my bud?



  2. I am assuming this is using the U's High Speed Internet.


    They can block ports. That would disable the P2P.


    Also, they can prevent your MAC Address from being able to connect. That is how they would enforce it.


    It you are not using the U's Internet....you are free to do whatever the hell you want ;)



  3. It isn't a Pyramid Scheme. Some people that have "heard" about it, but have not dealt with it may claim to be.


    It's not easy money or get rich quick. It's a way to make a little bit of extra money with some effort.


    Many people have heard of it, but a lot of people only know it as hearsay.


    It's reselling products from partnered vendors and exclusive products offered only through the company a wide range from energy drinks to barnes and noble type stuff. Some car stuff, circut city etc. You can also benefit from signing up others to sell as well, which is where some people get the whole "pyramid" scheme idea which it is not, as the person you sign up has every availability to make more money the person signing them up. I didn't want to go into full details because it's a fairly complex business that I don't have the whole knowledge to put out there and I don't want to quote anything wrong which is why I didn't post exactly what it was.


    Regardless if that sounds like an option you would be interested in let me know if not, no big deal!



    That's whay I said. Online AMWAY




    No thank you.



  4. A bud is looking for a set of Pistons for a project. Here is what he says he needs:


    Im looking for CP or Diamond Pistons.

    .020 over; -3cc 0r -5cc

    Non-Stroker pistons


    Anyone able to help?



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