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Everything posted by curby

  1. psshh, i just let my xbox live lapse... wtf. what, i got a 48 hr card... i'll be one tonight., lol
  2. Where were these guys after Katrina hit and LEO's were going home to home seaching for people and weapons?
  3. yeah, never got a call from him. he still has some time. dude said he wouldn't have the money till march 2nd.
  4. well looks like the bike will be gone here in a few days.
  5. I made one of these for my AR and love it. http://theprepared.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=106&Itemid=55
  6. you was puttin down a killin on COD last night. I join your session and played a few games with you last night.
  7. I debated an iphone, but after getting my Droid X and having an ipod touch, i would rather have android. and that's coming from a mac geek. i feel like a traitor but android has more features. Widgets are awesome. The iphone would rank higher if it had widgets. 8 out of 10 apps that are on the app store are on google market. The X's camera is so much better. Video is better. Love the call quality. I do love the Retina display on the iphone. pro and cons IMO i'll keep my Droid X.
  8. curby


    Hooligans i tell ya... Hooligans. Welcome to the site.
  9. no ride but i did take the Mustang out after lunch...
  10. oh yeah, MTAC are excellent holsters, but i thought I was in the cheap holster thread. lol
  11. that looks almost the same as the one i posted you can make yourself for $20. just saying. Range time is usually $12 an hour per lane. I loved it when my buddy had his range open Trigger Time in Massillon. i shot all day there for free. Did some Bullseye, IDPA and alot of scenario shooting. I'm really debating on open a small indoor range. Now the closest one to me is is in Canal Fulton. screw that.
  12. most (if not all) indoor ranges in this area charge my the hour.
  13. in 05 i paid $3500 for a 02 CBR954RR with 4000 miles. Still wrecked with salvaged title. i rebuilt it and rode it for a year then sold it in 06 for $4200 if that helps any. just throwing out an example.
  14. Xmas ornaments hanging from tree limbs.
  15. She's got go due to the IRS... $6400 (OR PRICE ONLY) KBB is $6900 stock. This thing runs like a raped ape. Nicest Warrior you'll see. 05 Roadstar Midnight Warrior XV1700 80xx miles Bars, grips lowering kit SpeedStar Velocity Stacks SpeedStar Cams Power Commander III New (less then 1000 miles) Metzlers ME880's front and rear BUB Jugg Huggers Exhaust Fender eliminator integrated turn signals.
  16. i've been pondering making my own and came across this... http://www.oldfaithfulholsters.com/ if you like crossbreed holsters, you'll like these and for $19 a kit... that's nice.
  17. i prefer to carry OWB. way more comfortable. Had a blackhawk Serpa and an Akers Bodyguard. loved them both. Here's my akers.... Best holster i had. concealed a full length (5") 92 just fine.
  18. feel free to move to politics section if need be. me forgot about it.
  19. and shouldn't you be working on an Italian bike?
  20. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110214/us_yblog_thelookout/south-carolina-lawmaker-wants-separate-currency-for-state "A bill in Georgia would require all debts to the state be paid in pre-1965 gold and silver coins. The Virginia proposal would let the state print its own money. Meanwhile, one politician in Utah wants to cut out the middleman entirely and allow the state's residents to run their very own mints." ... and begin discussion...
  21. welcome aboard the crazy ship... I carry on the hip or the inside jacket pocket. Usually just throw the Taurus ultralite .38 in the jacket pocket. never worried about it.
  22. i carry on the ankle very rarely. mainly when i know i'll be driving alot. BUT that is secondary to my main carry of the M&P 9. Ankle should never be your main carry. always back-up. My ankle holster is just a cheap elastic and velcro job. i didn't think it would work at first either BUT it's very comfy and secure.
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