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Everything posted by curby

  1. I'm sorry for everyone that had sand in their manginas for not posting pics but on the weekends I don't like to be strapped to a computer. I got home, drank a few beers and relaxed. And everyone rode their ride. There was no "my balls. Are bigger then your balls" contest. Everyone knew it was a slow paced ride from the get go. There just happened to be a couple bizzar incidents. Have a nice day.
  2. sorry for the delay, a brotha tried to sleep in for once. The ride started off well, a little late but oh well. starts out with 11 riders. Pearl (the guy on the busa) decided to join us at a gas station. he left before we got off the first at the start of the ride. That thing probably wouldn't have done so well anyways. After the first spill. Hiding from the rain. then we end up here... because of it was great meeting everyone. it was a good time to sit and bullshit. and we met one hellva LEO! Which should be join the site shortly.
  3. curby

    May 28th Ride

    radar is clear everywhere as of right now. should be golden. i was hopin it would drop some rain to cool it down a tad.
  4. curby

    May 28th Ride

    i was sweatin my arse off at lunch riding home... i leave work at 5:00, go home, eat and be back by 5:40
  5. curby

    May 28th Ride

    oh no, your fine... i trust you.
  6. curby

    May 28th Ride

    oh shizzle.... hopefully no flip flogs, wife beaters and aviators... . J/k lol
  7. curby

    May 28th Ride

    i'm gathering 11 Curby Zixxer9R w/wife hollywood3586 Matt (Holly's BF) timotheus Tony07R6 Kosmo Bad324 Bad324 buddy Cbosman w/wife??? speedytriple
  8. curby

    May 28th Ride

    i get to meet the infamous Kosmo... nice. Hell yeah, the FZR. i like to see older bikes run a muck!
  9. curby

    May 28th Ride

    maybe..... if i told ya then it wouldn't be a POP quiz...
  10. curby

    May 28th Ride

    Everyone refresh group riding hand signals please. Tapping Helmet is mainly to indicate LEO.
  11. curby

    May 28th Ride

    no 25's lol. 55 all the way except through towns. you won't be riding with grandma today buddy. lol
  12. curby

    May 28th Ride

    looks like on an off showers all day. supposed to stop at 6. we shall see.
  13. curby

    May 28th Ride

    Yeah o day 6. That's gives me time to have din din with the wifey.
  14. curby

    May 28th Ride

    hells ya buddy. just remember, keep the shiny side up.
  15. curby

    May 28th Ride

    Passed what buddy?
  16. I here Denver is tits. *** EDIT *** Next time read the last page and/or first post date before posting.
  17. curby

    May 28th Ride

    it'll i nice easy ride. nothing fast. I'll most likely lead and the Warrior corners like a Busa and has very lil get-up-and-go.
  18. haha was goin to post that but i couldn't stop shaking my head...
  19. curby

    May 28th Ride

    damn mutha-truckers
  20. "I have many leather-bound books, and my apartment smells of rich mahogany." Ron Burgundy and i'm kinda glad Pulp Fiction made top 20 at least
  21. curby

    May 28th Ride

    i'm really surprised my 10 year old never picked it since i swear like a trucker. She would yell at me but never repeated it.
  22. curby

    May 28th Ride

    Signature quote right there. :lol:
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