If someone is climbing in your window at 2:00am, shoot that motherfucker. plain and simple. i think this is all misunderstood. The Castle Doctrine changed the "duty to retreat" clause... For all law-abiding citizens (Not just gun owners) Castle Doctrine: If someone breaks into your occupied home or temporary habitation, or your occupied car, you have an initial presumption that you may act in self defense. The prosecutors may overcome this presumption if illegal activity was happening or other extenuating circumstances, such as a husband and wife domestic violence situation. Civil Immunity: Crime victims will be immune from civil actions from their attackers and their families for actions that cause a criminal to be harmed or killed.PROBLEM SOLVED: Previously, it was up to YOU, AT YOUR EXPENSE AND UNDER THREAT OF IMPRISONMENT, (and sometimes while actually imprisoned) to prove you were acting in self-defense. Now, when the Act becomes law, and as long as there are not any extenuating circumstances, the case ENDS and the healing begins. No hauling off to jail. No worries about criminal trial and the whims of a jury. No civil suit from the bad guy’s family. Duty to Retreat: A person who is lawfully in their residence or vehicle has no "duty to retreat" before using force in self-defense or defense of another.PROBLEM SOLVED: Previously in a motor vehicle, the actor, not the prosecutor, at the actor’s own jeopardy and expense, had the burden of proof to establish that they could not run away. PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE ACT BEFORE COMMENTING. THANKS http://buckeyefirearms.org/publicfiles/127_SB_184_EN_N.pdf