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Everything posted by curby

  1. i may have to pick this up. looks interesting.
  2. damn, not one person on this stinkin forum goes to the Canton QS&L... FML
  3. curby


    i got nothin
  4. up here in canton it's pretty good. i rode to work this morning.
  5. i come from a stunt rider background and you are not far from the truth. And that is why i got out of it. too much drama.
  6. thats when you pull out the old buck knife and start stabbin... explain that one to the game warden... "How'd you tag that one again?"
  7. curby

    May 28th Ride

    the one by the mall, right in front of BW3's. by Chipotle and Cheeseburger in Paradise
  8. curby

    May 28th Ride

    the route ends at rt 800. anyone not familiar with the area, go north to I-77N or S
  9. i'd be in no hurry since it's right by my hizous.
  10. i can since i get off work at 5 and work 2 blocks from there.
  11. 28th should be good for me, but i'll check with the wife.
  12. for some reason i start all my routes from east canton... mainly because my parents live out there and thats where i grew up. i usually stop and say hi to them before i go ride.
  13. from my house and back was roughly 2 hours. and i live real close to Belden Village mall.
  14. here's a nice one also. this is a 3 hr flight. i few fellas on here have done this one with me but we went up 542 instead of 212 if my memory recalls. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=100105393595602161648.000486e18bac3f5f7d618&ll=40.622292,-81.085281&spn=0.473747,0.728531&z=11
  15. Heres the route i did on saturday. nothing technical but a nice cruise. 171 has some decent twisties. There are a few other routes i'm workin on also. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=100105393595602161648.000486e04f7d39f798819&ll=40.667879,-81.206818&spn=0.236712,0.364265&z=12
  16. i'm workin on some maps in google and will post them later.
  17. i know my way around Atwood region. not every road but i know my way.
  18. i'm in Canton, i hop and a skip to Akron. my open days float so just give a heads up. Hopefully all this rain goes away.
  19. does sound like a good idea. poker run every wednesday... i'm down... but not that one. i like myself too much.
  20. i rode atwood region on saturday. beautiful day. wish i would've saw this thread.
  21. stirrin up the locals to get together... just got to find them all. never knew you was in canton.

  22. wehen goin to get out and ride? i'm trying to stir up the locals on here to get together...

  23. where you been? Just checkin on the locals. when we ridin?

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