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Everything posted by curby

  1. repost... on a repost on a repost of a post. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=78952
  2. not diggin it... i like it as much as i like the Harley line...
  3. I have a Nova and love it. dead nuts for clays... i used it for home defense till i decided to chop up an old Winchester 1300 20ga i had and never used. so now the pistol grip 20ga is on bed side duty. i love that thing. still need to finish the barrel but it works. lol
  4. bike is gone... lock thread please... :'(
  5. curby


    don't get me wrong, it pays in the long run but for her has a part time package handler unloading trucks... wasn't worth it. But everyone starts there... and that's sum hard shit. She could do it, but she looked like she got beat with a ball bat every night.
  6. curby


    My wife got hired and they screwed her royally. Vacation after a year Insurance after 18 months told her pay was 9.90 and her first check was 8.50 and shorted 6 hours... Fuck UPS. that is all.
  7. welcome from Canton... but i'm soon to be bikeless...
  8. i've heard nothing but good things from the conversion. used in my M&P15 and had no problems.
  9. good pick up. I've been wanting to get one of these for the daughter... i might have to pick one up when i sell the bike.
  10. i knew there would be some comment from that. lol
  11. Bigger opening to help guide you in.
  12. i loved my 3 gun combo. S&W M&P9 S&W M&P15 Benelli Nova I've won quite a few 3 guns with that combo.
  13. rig up a hand shifter for now...
  14. i bought my 02 954 in 05 salvaged for $3100... put $400 into it and rode it for a year and sold it for $4100. and yes i did share all info to buyer before and after pics. all that had been fixed. i did ride it before being inspected, guy gave me a bill of sale and that got my 30 day. got it inspected and done. I thought it was an easy process. OSP was great.
  15. i'm a supporter. don't care what party he is for.
  16. i'm starting to wonder. ... i'm ok with that.
  17. deal fell through... still for sale... i hate people.
  18. curby


    get a prescription for tint.. i got one doc gave it to me for photo sensitivity.
  19. here is one of the emails sent to him from out of state.: An email referred to Harless as a “stormtrooper of death molesting the Concealed Carry citizen. When you pigz are kidnapped off the street by citizen tactical teams and getting their throats slit on youtube, then will you admit, finally, that you have a problem in Canton? What will it take?”
  20. The council man is a highly regarded attorney around here and thats the scary part about it. and come to hear the family attorney is now partners with this guy and thats a problem...
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