This is my stupid family and firearm rant, so please forgive me for a moment... Ok, so pretty much my whole family knows i carry. It's not a secret. I took the course with my father so he also carries. Lil facts about my family... I am the only normal one. Plain and simple. i have 4 brothers that are all mentally challenged due to lack of testosterone. Not sure what happened there but some genes got lost. Anyways, this is not the first this has happened so maybe i'm the mentally challenged one. you be the judge. One of my other brothers asked me the same question a couple years ago. i just laughed at him. I can't laugh at it any more. So my mother was diagnosed with lymphoma and had surgery to put in the port for the chemo on friday. She started chemo yesterday. So my father calls and asks me to help move a hospital bed into their room. ok, not a problem. get there, move the bed with my bible humping brother. sit down, start bs'n with my dad. i get up and my shirt gets stuck behind my M&P and my brother says, "Whats that?" really... come on now. I look at him and chuckle... "It's a Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm." and continue on to the fridge. He continues to look dumbfounded and ask the age old question... "Is it loaded?" me > my father > So i say... "Do you go to church with a bible?" Like i said, one of my other brothers asked me the same thing a few years ago... What the fuck is wrong with these damn people?