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Posts posted by RSVDon

  1. I know nothing about Aprillia's. I can look them up to find out, but I have no interest to. I just know the big 4. :D

    All you need to know is they make loud noises, and are ridden by cocky douchebags......wait, wut?

    • Upvote 2
  2. I hate that shit. You can even be rolling up to a stop and they think you can just wheelie and stand there at the light with it pointing straight up. Or they yell at you to do one in a traffic jam as well. 1st off are you that stupid? :lol: You can see that a wheelie can't be done in this situation right now. Also, I don't do wheelies on purpose and I'm not riding my bike and attempting to risk my $11k machine for your entertainment! Get your own bike and ride your own gawddamn wheelie you fucking punk! :nono:


    On my way to MotoGP Indy in 2009, I got caught in a nice little storm halfway through the ride. I was starting to get miserable but was only a few miles from the hotel on surface streets. This F-150 full of teens comes flying up next to me and one of them is leaning out the window giving me that "do a wheelie" sign.

    I'm sitting there thinking, really? Then they wouldn't go away. What part of it's fucking pouring rain and I'm soaked and annoyed didn't you understand. Had to pull off because their driving was getting erratic next to me. Asshats.

  3. + 48÷2(9+3)

    Usually "Ar-prill-uh...IzzataDucati?"

    Once, walked out of a restaurant to see a guy circling the Mille studying it intently...

    "Nice Bike. Am I stupid, or does it not say anywhere who makes it?"

    Only in about a dozen places...

    Haha, I know. It makes my day just a little better though. Good amusement.

  4. Stopped down in southern Ohio somewhere, gas station dude asked if my 919 was a Norton. That was special. The standard question for my bike is "What the Hell is that?"

    I'll give him a B for effort. Haha

  5. is that the one that is also includes the "Gel Douche"??

    I kid you not when I was at the store with my roommate getting supplies for a cookout, he runs over giggling like a girl holding a bottle of this Old Spice All-In-One body wash that stated right in the bottle it included Gel Douche

    Douche is shower in French. "Gel Douche" = "Shower Gel"

    The rest of the wrapping has French on it too. That being said, I did laugh out loud the first time I saw the new wrapper.

  6. is there a large market for people under 18 in europe? i know here its rare to see someone under 18 on the street

    Yes, definitely.

    I don't know how recent this is, but an example of the "stepped" system.

    At the moment, the European Union (more popularly known as “Brussels”) has been trying to make rules and regulations which should be able to be applied in all the Union’s countries. Unfortunately, the countries are free, to some degree, to apply these rules. This means that in the case of motorcycling all rules are either not enforced or not applied, depending on the country.

    An example of the above is the so-called stepped licensing scheme, which allows 16 year olds to ride a bike with a maximum capacity of 125cc. Or if between 18 and 21 years old, a bike with a maximum power output of 25kW (35 hp; see the list) or with a maximum power to weight ratio of 0.16kW/kg (0.1 HP/lb). These people are required to ride with the restricted license for a minimum of two years before they can apply for a “full” license, this means that if you got your motorcycle license on your 18th birthday, you can upgrade on your 20th. Alternatively, if you get your license a day before your 21st birthday, you can only upgrade on your 23rd. Older “adults” (We’re all children at heart aren’t we? :-)) who only have a car license are allowed to commute on a 125cc motorcycle in some countries.

    People with a “full” license or above 21 years of age can get a full-power bike.

  7. Isn't the RS4 what Megan fox rode in Transformers 2?

    That was the old RS125. IMO, still the sexier of the two, faster, and a 2-smoke which means instantly cooler. But, didn't really fit the requirements of the demographic that would ride it. Aprilia brought these over to the US as a "track-only" bike for $5k a few years back.


  8. can someone enlighten me on what its for? is it just a low cc street bike, like a beginners bike, or is it meant for small cc racing class? ive only heard of 125s on the track, and i thought they were young kid bikes (like the moto2 stuff with 12yrs old)....never seen one on the street...its a neat bike, just not sure what its intended purpose is?


    A 125cc is the largest bike anyone under 18 yo can buy in Europe. Usually with the restriction of no more than 15 crank HP. So that's what Aprilia did. Took their RSV4 styling, placed it on a featherweight chassis, and gave it a 15 HP 4-stroke motor.

    The old bikes were 125cc 2-strokes, but they made way more than 15 HP and kinda defeated the purpose of the market they were going for.

  9. Size-wise they are not as big feeling as a busa, to me they feel more like a zx-10. You can get them pretty cheap too, they have really nuetral steering and are a very comfortable bike, my friends call mine the couch :p. I could do a long ride with her, or keep up with the fast guys, mine is now a tooth down in the front and it runs like a raped ape. It is a big bike but handles way better than a busa or a zx14. Honda knows there shit.

    And conveniently trumped by a VFR 800 in almost every category except outright speed...

    Yeah, Honda does know their shit.

    Also, I know a large bear around here that rides a ZX-14. He would probably take you up on that bet that the ol' Bird can easily outhandle a 14. :lol:

  10. Only thing that makes any since is cooling.... Not much in weight savings & looks. The RAM air intakes on most bikes are sufficient for cooling, has to be for cooling or looks. But it doesn’t enhance either in my opinion.

    Radiator does not reside behind the headlights. ;)

    In fact, nothing does. This is just a bunch of retards starting at fad. Also, what does the ram air system have to do with cooling?

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