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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Wow, glad he was okay. This is why I wear gear. You just never know when a deer might bolt in front of you, you blow a tire or the rapture comes upon you.....
  2. Great ride. Glad to see some new faces. I'll get my pictures post up later tonight.
  3. You did it once before to ride with us. You can do it again.
  4. I notice you didn't say "For those females who carry".... Kind of ingenious actually.
  5. You can always leave when you need to.
  6. Np. Thanks. I was too lazy to find that. My wife is wondering what I am laughing at.
  7. Don't think I could make it there in 10 minutes. lol
  8. Looks like I am in. This might be my only Csba ride this year though.
  9. I didn't see it the first time. That would have started me, but snakes don't bother me much.
  10. This sounds like fun. I'll have my daughter with me though. But most of you have met her anyways. I could talk to my dad about using his land. It's by Johnstown in Croton.
  11. It's in the ranting and raving section. You need to change your control panel settings to allow you to view that subforum.
  12. ugh...I think I'm gonna be needing a screen name change....
  13. This made me chuckle out loud.
  14. They rarely make it though in one piece. True story.
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