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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Yeah, real camping in tents with campfires and stuff Load up your camping gear on the bike (tent, food and drinks, sleeping bag, whatever else) ride then camp out somewhere. Or you might be able to share a tent with someone. I have a one man tent. Or sleep outside.
  2. This speed shooting challenge with the 1911 looks pretty cool.
  3. I would be depending on when/where. With my wife working weekends I have to make plans for someone to watch my kid.
  4. I don't have DVR and this is one of the few shows I make sure I catch.
  5. You had to walk to school in the snow, barefoot, uphill both ways?
  6. Don't you just hate when that happens?
  7. Cool video, except for the Marine stuff in it. I only keed! Thanks for sharing!
  8. So what you're saying is she can't get preggo again?
  9. We should ban teacups too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCPqvW8ycEQ
  10. All it takes is someone with a little pocket knife to sneak up behind someone and get them in the neck. And I hope you realize I was being sarcastic earlier. Introducing the stab proof knife. Good, clean fun for everyone.
  11. Ah, I didn't know it was only up to '00. Cool that you traded your other one in. I might have to start looking for Tacomas for sale.
  12. This. But too many people would say "oh well he's got a criminal record so he had to of done it this time too."
  13. Working then going home. And I thought post #2 was kind of funny....
  14. That would have to be A LOT of tannerite! Negative ghostrider, the pattern is full. Wouldn't surprise me. Being Newark I wouldn't be surprised.
  15. This is great news man. I'm glad things are looking a little better for you and hope this works out for awhile. Not to rain on your parade but I suggest you really spend time with her now since you have considered putting her down. You're perspective and realization of some things that will/could be down the road should help you to have a better relationship with your buddy.
  16. There's a few of these kinds of links on here. Someone needs to grab them all and put them into one thread, maybe sticky it. If I'm up late again this weekend maybe I'll do that.
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