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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Good looking truck. Have you contacted Toyota about them buying it back for frame rust? They bought my dad's '99 Tacoma back. I forget what they gave him but it was over bluebook value.
  2. All depends on who it is and what it's about, like others have said. Sometimes I might approach it like "Are you sure it's just an S-10 with a different body? I thought it was completely different?" Then I'm not so much calling them wrong as I am just asking for further clarification myself. Tact.
  3. I'm going with my dad and sitting in on the CHL course on the 20th. We'll see how it goes with a bunch of ORDN folks. And the points you bring up are why groups such as Ohioans for Concealed Carry and Buckeye Firearms are working so hard. This is why so many people who do carry regularly try to help educate those that don't carry or the new people. I really have more to say but I gotta get off lunch and back to work.
  4. But, but, but I thought it was just a bunch of pussies with sticks that couldn't hit shit??
  5. Silly shitty, Chuck Norris doesn't need guns. I don't feel the need to go out to bars anymore. I also wouldn't put myself into a bad situation if I didn't have to, like you said.
  6. You're just full of the smart ass comments today huh. lol
  7. Military. I also don't go to actual ranges, I use private property.
  8. No. everyone should have the right to learn Shaolin Kung Fu not be forced to.
  9. WHAT?!?! They had pool cues and weren't properly trained with them? They could have killed someone. Can't hope for the magical hit from a cue stick. What ever were they thinking??
  10. Funny shit. Wait. Why are you assuming someone with a gun hasn't trained with it?
  11. No. Most gun owners, not all, don't say they want EVERY person carrying a gun. They want everyone to have the right and the choice to do so and not overly mandated by the government when the Second Amendment is in place to begin with. On the flip side many anti-gun people, again not all, don't want anyone to have a gun. No choice just you can't own one. I don't give a shit if you want to carry a gun or not. But I want you to have the right to do so. But because you are scared of the big bad gun, you don't want me to have one?? (I only say "you" theoretically)
  12. Shootout? They draw and scare them away? Too bad we can't run a simulation, would be interesting to see the two sides.
  13. http://www.examiner.com/gun-rights-in-atlanta/open-carry-deters-armed-robbery-kennesaw
  14. If that was the case why has there been so much resistance from the government on gun rights? Why have so many cities banned or try to ban guns? Who said anything about going to war against our government?
  15. Yeah. It's basically in incentive to get an extra year of benefits. So many claims are made incomplete they clog up the system. They hope this will make people pay more attention to what they are doing and claims/benefits can get to those that need it quicker.
  16. I think the heart needs be be B&W too.
  17. Tyler, there are a lot of people on here that have been through this before. We know what your dealing with and no one is saying it's easy by any means. But we would rather us suffer a little bit so our beloved friends don't have to anymore. When we found Dusty at the pound, she didn't bark or jump once. Instead she sat at the gate and just shook uncontrollably with excitement. I knew at that second she was the dog for me. Well I always think that my grandfather is watching her for me now. And my wife tells me she has no doubt that Dusty will be sitting at the gates of heaven, shaking uncontrollably to greet me. That's what keeps me strong as helps me remember the good times. It's not "goodbye" it's "see you later"
  18. Dogs can be so stubborn and so loyal to their owners that she isn't going to tell you when it's time to go. Of course you don't want to put her down, but do you need to? We don't know the dog or the situation, it's your call. But as much as you seem to love her, love her enough to let her go. I picked the time and place my dog passed away at. It was my choice to do it and at the time this all really bothered me. I kept thinking that maybe she had some more time. But I came to the realization after it all that by me choosing when it was her time to go I made sure that her last moments were with the people who loved her and cared for her. She died peacefully and comfortably and not in pain or off by herself somewhere. We got our chances to say goodbye to her instead of it taking us by surprise. :sniffle: Hope this helps you Tyler.
  19. My dog had bone cancer. Some days she was okay, others she wasn't. It broke my heart to put her down but I didn't want her leg to break and her be in worse pain. She'd still play as much as she could but I could tell her body wasn't as young and healthy as her mind and heart was. You could tell she was happy when I was happy. It's a tough choice but I know I did what was better for her. You have to ask yourself if you think it's worth it to HER to stand the pain or whatever she is going through. Don't let your emotions get in the way of what is best for your friend. It sounds like she has had a great life, I think it's time for her to be in peace.
  20. Well jstumpalump150 decided to get more gear so that's a good thing too.
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