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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Man that was painful to watch. I would have done what he did and just walked away to regain my composure. I have a brake light modulator on my bike also. My wife has followed me and says it makes a big difference in visibility.
  2. Did they say what's wrong with the bolt? Sounds like this could be a known issue?
  3. I couldn't stop laughing about this commercial. Just something about House throwing his cane at a kid is hilarious!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCB4YWPhNeI
  4. I hate when they let the clock run out.
  5. You might be able to but I'm not sure. If you do, just make sure you don't jam it up any more. If I was up there, I'd offer to take a look at it for you.
  6. Can you pull the trigger assembly out?
  7. Pull the magazine spring out to get tension off the rounds and pull the barrel. Try pushing on both of the releases, there is one on each side. All the round are out correct?
  8. Scott, did you clean it and lube it before you took it out today? Mine had a gritty feel to the slide right out of the box.
  9. I think she's one of those artists that can sound great in a recording studio but put her in a "live" environment and she just can't pull it off. I don't follow her at all so maybe she's just having a bad day?
  10. One of the Black Eyed Peas?
  11. Sucks dude. I had a problem like that on my 870. First time I had racked the slide it jammed. Hasn't since then, thinking it was just a break in issue. I fired 4 through mine today going after some rabbits. Just make sure you rack the slide hard back and forward. Don't "limp wrist" it.
  12. I didn't like her singing "Sweet Child of Mine".
  13. Are you watching it and who are you rooting for? I only have it on for my wife who is a Steelers fan. She's from PA. I'm only watching the commercials.
  14. We should should put up more deer crossing signs and make them cross there. That way they wouldn't be such a hazard.
  15. My dad has this problem too. People showing up on his land without permission. They usually blame it on that they were following their dogs or they didn't know. The sound of a shotgun loading usually makes them reconsider where they are at. Although he did have a couple guys ask if they could go check to see if a deer they shot (bow) had wandered up there. He had no problem since they asked. They even told they'd pay him and give him some deer if he'd let them hunt their next year. Dad can't turn down venison.
  16. New additions are always great!
  17. $50. You're not making any money with it just sitting there...
  18. I haven't watched it since the first night. I always forget when stuff is on, especially when it's the middle of the week. Although judging from all the reviews, I haven't been missing a whole lot. Top Shot was pretty good. They do have some skill although I was amazed that considering some of their backgrounds, they messed up some shots I didn't expect them to.
  19. It doesn't run out of gas either. Is there supposed to be a second? I gotta spread it around first.
  20. Pretty good movie! Rule Number 87: If zombies take over, don't trust hot chicks. Ever.
  21. Yeah That's where I'm at now.
  22. Zombie kill of the week, a nun with a piano! HAHA
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