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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. insurance doesn't matter of you need to user the phone right then! I actually removed the plastic screen protector. I hated how it killed the touch sensitivity. I was always screwing up swyping texts because it would stop mid word.
  2. Got mine at Verizon for cheap when I got my phone. When I was running to get it, all I thought was thank goodness I have insurance on this phone! Lol
  3. Jumped on the bike to go out to eat with the fiance and had my Droid DNA clipped in my font jacket pocket. I turned to my left check my blind spot and it gets blown out of my pocket. SHIT! I saw it hit the ground in my mirror. When it landed, the case went one way, the phone another, just not sure which was which. I pulled over immediately, ran back to see a truck heading toward one of the black spots in the middle of the lane. I'm hoping he straddles it, which he does. When I get there, I see the clip landed in the road and my phone just over the fog line. I pick up both and to my amazement, only a few scuffs on each and not even that bad. Phone was still on and it perfect shape. The clip had more scuffs since its hard plastic unlike the case that has a rubber cover. Plugged my headphones back in and hit play, no issues. Off to dinner again. I'll never have a phone without an Otterbox again! Money well spent!
  4. Go on this ride. It's a great group, very friendly and won't make you ride over your head. It's always a gray time.
  5. Totality of the circumstances and the ability to make split second decisions based on facts that were present to the officer at the time. Yeah some cops make bad choices. But just like not all sport bike riders are dangerous hooligans, not all cops are power hungry monsters with a gun.
  6. I felt bad for the new guy that didn't get any replies to his intro thread. Just being considerate.
  7. Hell yeah ban Todd. He was trying to out do me gravedigging so I step up my game and I get a warning for post whoring! wtf!
  8. chevysoldier

    hey all

    That's half the reason I like to grave dig. It's hilarious sometimes.
  9. Sooooo..... No inflatable Guinness glass?
  10. Good call. Here we are into his second presidency... no. That's for everyone else. obviously we didn't learn from the first four years.
  11. Met a few people and good friends that share the same interests, seen a lot of idiots and been able to become a better riding by rider with those people who have more seat time. Plus the networking on here is awesome. If you need anything or someone for a specific job, you can usually find it on here, or at least sine good leads.
  12. Do you still have the inflatable Guinness glass?
  13. Jello and pasta smilies
  14. Bump in reference to NinjaNick's moderator bashing thread. Lol
  15. This is the tamest MT has ever been in an OR thread. And side note, didn't realize I was here before MT. LOL
  16. Text me his number of he's interested. I don't know if I want to have some one dj or just do a playlist myself with my laptop.
  17. What the eff is going on here? I'm slacking with gravedigging. People be trying to move into ma territory.
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