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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Maybe I can talk the wife into letting me get it.... I'm not going to hold my breath though. Lol
  2. Rep and multi quote for mobile. Oh, and moderator, supporter tags on members names on mobile too
  3. This is why its so difficult to assess a situation based on only what's in a news article. You have no idea what else was going on then and we should all know how biased the news is just to get ratings. Controversy sells.
  4. I don't know what this is for...

  5. I will check him out. Thanks. not sure but I could find out. uh, no not getting one there. Lol and I am not going off price alone but I don't want to pay mega bucks either.
  6. Flip side: what if they let him go back on and he died? The FD/PD would be getting sued for allowing him into an unsafe situation.
  7. My wife's brother got his from Body Language. He said it was really got but a bit on the high side price-wise IIRC
  8. I searched but the last thread about this was in November of last year. What places do you recommend in the Columbus / East of Columbus area?
  9. he has a picture of a pillow with a dick in his photo gallery?
  10. Lol, yeah because criminals openly carry their sidearm in a retention holster.
  11. Of course. At that price, I'll buy two. Lol
  12. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/LIMOUSINE-/140980577968?forcev4exp=true#ht_17297wt_974
  13. I am glad Gary is still on, he's one of my favorites, him and Kyle. I wish they would have brought back George. Give him another chance since he threw that last shot on purpose.
  14. blasphemy, you are dead to me.
  15. I seriously just started cracking up as this. I'm pretty sure I gave you pos rep.
  16. Midget Todd is going to get banned for annoying casper
  17. Lol, I thought tthe same.My quote is from 2009. Wtf
  18. "You can destroy an entire car with enough of these." Yeah, and if you have enough firecrackers, you can do that too.
  19. Pretty sure this is where I got it from. http://www.usacarry.com/forums/open-carry-discussion/7230-open-carry-argument.html
  20. Heck, I have no idea. Been on my computer for a while. Probably from an OC or CC forum.
  21. I've been told a large syringe, like for cooking hooked up to the bleeder to push the fluid and air up out of the system works great. Haven't had to try it though but will sometime.
  22. "I know these binary explosive targets are legal under Federal law, but this opinion says they aren't under the Ohio Revised Code. This opinion will likely depend on the explosive components of the individual target and may not hold up to a court challenge, but i wouldn't risk it. My best advice: Don’t blow anything up with Tannerite in Ohio!" http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/8897
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