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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Wow. 80,000 calories. That thing looked awesome. I'm so hungry now.
  2. Yeah, I'd like to see the American response to that.
  3. just go as fast as possible that way it's over as quickly as possible and there is less time for something to go wrong.
  4. I just find it interesting how stupid shit can go like wild fire on here.
  5. Landing is a whole hell more difficult than taking off. I don't have any formal training but I've taken off in a Cessna a few times and flown around. That stuff is relatively easy. Landing on the other hand is a bitch. There are too many variables to think about and without formal training, you are just asking for trouble. Just my $0.02.
  6. chevysoldier


    Which store did you go to?
  7. Что является этим, Вы говорите о? Жизнь вне ordn? Я услышал слухи, но никогда не думал, что это могло быть верно.
  8. Max Power является только ревнивым, потому что он не находил переводчика онлайн.
  9. The "militia" is the people. You, me, IP.... They felt standing armies were dangerous and it was the duty of the people, all the people to defend themselves against anything that could destroy life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness.
  10. Snakes are awesome. Especially flying snakes. Flying monkeys are cooler thought.
  11. Be careful you don't slam the front brake going down the stairs and end up flipping it. lol
  12. Looks good. Before you shoot it the first time, tear it down, wipe all the crap off it real good, oil it and reassemble. It will be a lot more smooth cycling and shooting.
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