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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. They were building an underground parking garage on one side and dumping the dirt on the other. Ii then rained and made the ground very unstable and you see what happened.
  2. Crawford Mechanical Service by Easton. I worked for them in HS and know the owner personally. I real good guy. They do commercial and residential. I did a lot of the plumbing for the ice cream place that used to be in Easton Town Center. Crawford Mechanical Services Street: 3445 Morse Road Columbus, oh 43231-6183 Phone: (614) 478-9424
  3. I'm going to say you are playing devils advocate. Even if you track and register 100% of all legal gun purchases in the states, bad guys will continue to get their hands on one. Whether it be through the black market, or by stealing. Kids will still be able to swipe their parents legal guns and go to school with them. Now the good guys have to jump through all kinds of hoops will the dirt bag has no problems getting one. How many shootings happened at a place that allowed guns? Very few if any. How many shootings have happened at gun shows or gun stores or open carry demonstrations? I can't think of any.
  4. How do you like that foregrip? That's the same one that cam with my pistol grip/buttstock. I never put it on because I felt it had less grip than the original.
  5. chevysoldier

    Glock 17?

    Yep, be there to try different guns out. We'll be there too.
  6. This. I lost my grandfather Sept 29, 2001. He and I were very close and I had the utmost respect for the man. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him. Most of all knowing that he never got to meet his first great grandchild. His grandkids were his life, I know how special she would have been to him. Just typing this is making me tear up...
  7. Nice Ben. Happy Birthday silverfox!
  8. chevysoldier

    Glock 17?

    Come on, you saw it coming. That's what she said.
  9. chevysoldier

    Glock 17?

    Buy an M&P. So much better than any Glock. Search for any of my 500 posts on why M&P > Glock. Your always welcome to shoot my .45
  10. I had looked at Mavericks but after doing some research, I won't buy one, especially for home defense. 870s are tried and true. This. BUT when they get a shipment it, prepare to stand in line for a while and hope you get one. This is what I have heard fro a guy who has bought them anyways. Eh, I figure the 870 is a work horse. If it gets a little beat up, it won't bother me too much. If I bought a $2k shotgun, I'd be keeping it pristine though. Nice find but I have never heard of that store either.
  11. Do you have the option to put it outside? I'd bet it would be cheaper.
  12. It's a great gun. I think you had posted about it in the thread I started about the 870 I picked up?
  13. Takes about 5 seconds to swap barrels out.
  14. At Vances/Buckeye Outdoors. Until Nov 30th.
  15. My daughter and I ate at The Nutcracker in Pataskala last night. I had me a really good angus cheesburger, and a slice of pumpkin pie for free. I will be eating there in the future. Vets get ANY meal for free, not just a small selection.
  16. Excellent! Awesome link.
  17. I'll be riding tomorrow since I don't have to take my daughter to the babysitter. It'll be the the first time in probably 4-6 weeks I have ridden.
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