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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Firearms don't require a record of sale, do they?
  2. WELCOME HOME SGT Justin Winebrenner Delaware County, OH Returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom Welcome Home: Sgt Justin Winebrenner Columbus, Ohio US Army Welcome Home Location: Port Columbus International Airport Friday, 27 August 2010@2309 hrs-(11:09 PM ) Staging Location: (Please note Bikes or Cars) Bikes: McDonalds, 4250 International Gateway Dr. Cars: Park and go to Main Lobby Information Booth Port Columbus International Airport STAGING TIME: Friday,27 Aug 2010@2215hrs-(10:15PM ) District #5 Ride Captain Graham Webb III is assigned this Welcome Home Mission. Please be on hand with his family to welcome SGT Winebrenner home. Mike Hamilton District #7 Ride Captain Ohio Patriot Guard Riders
  3. I know It doesn't matter when it was thought up. Freedom of religion protects it. But if, and it's a big if, this building is part of the 9/11 plan, it now falls under acts of war and cannot let be built. That would be my only reason of why it shouldn't be built is what I meant.
  4. It probably has something to do with intent? If I own an full auto I might just like to shoot it. But body armor show intent to use that full auto for killing? I can't really spell out what I mean, hope it gets my point across.
  5. Yeah I really don't care if it's built or not. They have a right to build there if they want to. Now if it were to come out that this was connect to the 9/11 terrorist plan, that's be something different. IIRC plans for this were in the works before 9/11?
  6. Thank you. That's why I was asking, I had no idea. JRM was quoting a site but didn't know the structure of the building. Skip to 5:45. She is way far left. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtkgoGY4Cm4 I was using gun control to make a point. You said you don't know who is picking and choosing except conservative. Both the right to bear arms and freedom of religion are in the Constitution. But liberals believe one can be trampled on and the other can't. I even said it's private property and can't be kept from being built. Both issue are protected equally and should be treated as such. I never said they can't build there even if it was on the same site as the buildings. You gave a internet site that said it wasn't on ground zero. I was just pointing out ground zero isn't just where the twin towers stood. But somehow you took that as me saying the Constitution doesn't apply on ground zero.
  7. Huh? The article said the Coat Factory wasn't ground zero. I was just pointing out that ground zero isn't just the location of the WTC. It encompasses the damage zone. There were multiple attacks on 9/11. The WTC done was the main point of attack. That area of damage is ground zero That's what I am asking. Is the prayer area some little room or it the main component of the building? Yeah St. Mary's Hospital isn't a church, just because it has a chapel in it. But is a mosque a community center because it has a basketball court? I went to a my school wasn't a community center because it had a playground/ bball court on it. I dunno who's picking and choosing except the conservatives... See: I'm not saying a liberal can't be a proud gun owner. But the libs want to say the Constitution protects the "mosque" but on the flip side say it doesn't protect gun rights because it was meant for black powder rifle defense of the redcoats. Who's picking and choosing again?
  8. My .02. Media is mostly liberal. Rarely are is any news given without their own twist to the story. Rarely is the news actually just the facts of the story. This has already been addressed by ReconRat. That area is still considered ground zero. Damage was still done at that location. What is the main component of this structure? I'm asking because I don't know. Churches have daycares in them but they are not considered a daycare. Yes it is private property and therefore cannot be kept from being built. We are supposed to have freedom of religion in this country. Of course we have a right to bear arms but that has/is being suppressed. It's funny liberals pick and choose when the Constitution should be followed.
  9. Yeah, I recognized it right away. Slowed down just in case a Kat when down. Thankfully that didn't happen. I think I like it better the other way, except for the fact you tend to look at the house.
  10. Your oil light should come on when it cranks. when pressure builds up the light will go off. Check the site glass on the side to see if you really need to add oil. But if it's been sitting for a year, you should change it, along with the gas like stated above.
  11. and they come with the paddle and belt attachments.
  12. I like it. Got my at Cabela's in WV
  13. Explain the expectations? You just assume he has an anaconda?
  14. Guess no one else thought it was funny.
  15. Another good ride John. The second half was fun. Ben, was mighty nice of you to put yourself out there like you did. Looking forward to next month, hopefully I have my front tire replaced by then. It starting to cup and wear down pretty good. Great to meet some new faces. Glad everyone , especially the Kats, make it through without major incident.
  16. It's a good movie, and your right, I love Doc! Bad ass mofo. I see where your mind is at.
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