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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Yeah, I usually don't buy much. Guns are usually over priced. I did buy a soft side rifle case last year.
  2. Community, member list, search members, advanced search. Type in location, click search.
  3. But if helmets can save lives, and msf classes can save lives, why should they be regulated differently?
  4. Guns kill people. We need to ban all firearms.
  5. My bike (FZRs in general) don't like wheelies. Beats up the transmission too much.
  6. First let me say I too am against helmet laws. But your head hitting the pavement at 35mph can still kill you. Road rash at 35mph is still gonna suck to have scrubbed with some steel wool type stuff. I'd rather sweat and walk away from a crash than bleed after one. A cruiser type bike isn't some magical device that keeps you more safe than a sportbike. Cages don't distinguish between the two types, or any type of 2 wheels for that matter. Yeah sportbikes may tend to run faster speeds, and the risks increase with speed, but there isn't much more of a safety net for a cruiser. Still the same distance to fall, still the same speeds (assuming the legal limit isn't broken), still the same weight of a cage smashing into you, same density of the tree you headbutt. All that being said, I don't care if you wear a lid or not. Not my life, not my choice. I will add that I have ridden without a jacket and lid. Once around the corner to the gas station and a few times on a back road testing and tuning the bike. I had to hear the engine. Plus that road is the one a grew up on. I know it like the back of my hand. But I have always worn gloves. I don't understand how you can be against mandatory helmet laws but for mandatory MSF courses? Most accidents occur near home because you are near home most of the time. How many people make a 400 mile day trip very often? Most people go to work and back home, the store and back home. Most driving happens near home therefor more accident are near home.
  7. I think that's the same bag my dad got for joining. It actually isn't too bad of quality.
  8. No idea. Was just searching for some ideas and came across it. The same tat came up a few times but didn't look to see where it was done at CS
  9. The Ganger Mtn thread? I call BS on you reading it twice. That was a long ass thread.
  10. Uh oh. Did you miss the drama with my OC thread?
  11. It's time for hockey season, I read your title "cat hack" as "hat trick"
  12. chevysoldier

    4870702 1

    Where was that at?
  13. Way to help the guy sell his gun.
  14. Oh man that's some funny shit, thanks for the laugh. sounds like fun!!
  15. Yeah, she doesn't post a whole lot on here though. Whatever you have to tell yourself.
  16. Oh, it isn't me you have to watch out for, my wife gets on here from time to time. I won't say any names but there is a rider on a 1000rr you might need to watch out for.
  17. I hate you guys. Never shot with a sniper rifle but always wanted to. Although I do know what dope is from that sniper show on tv.
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