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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. kids are so funny.. :D

    shes a cutie, you better watch her close when she gets older. Matt is already about to buy a shotgun for rileys little boyfriends. lol

    Ugh, don't remind me. I'm gonna do what Bill Engvall says:

    "I'm gonna pull the young man in tight next to me so only he and I can hear the conversation. I'm gonna whisper in his ear. I'm gonna say, "Boy, look at me. You see that little girl there? That's my only little girl. She's my life. So if you have any thought about hugging or kissing, you remember these words: I got no problem going back to prison."

    While I clean my shotgun. :D

  2. I am not a LEO but I don't think they can pin point each bike in a group. But since they can write you a speeding ticket just based on just a visual anymore, you may be screwed.

    Why didn't you guys run? Can't catch all of you.:lol: j/k

  3. i think the guillotine is the best form of execution....its literally foolproof :D

    Maybe foolproof but if I remember correctly, the blade would dull out after a few people. Sometimes the blade wouldn't cut all the way through and the executioner would have to reset it and try again or finish with an ax.

  4. It was awesome to see him riding that bike around. Can't believe he actually got off of it.

    Good ride too. Was fun, although I just wasn't feeling it today. Went slow and took my time. A ride with OR/CSBA is always a good ride though.

    PS. You can thank my wife, she just woke me up from my nap when I called you. :)

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