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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. really? so you guys think that all the bitching should just be left on the front page? I mean, I can move it back, I just thought that was what this section was for... people who care about all the whining that people do bc they don't like someone...

    I understand why there is a R&R section, but I always miss out because I don't see it updated on the front page. When something gets moved here the post count drops dramatically, usually. Unless it is of epic proportions like "Today". On the flip side a thread getting taken way off topic isn't really cool to the OP. My two cents.

  2. Also, it looks like there are no discount on glasses through this site, could you PM what your discount amount is?


    I am only going to make a few calls to the rep at TRGear, so when I get a decent list together I will call her for pricing and availability.


  3. I for one like the internet personality of Todd#43. It's great how you don't give a fuck and just say whatever the fuck you want. I respect that. Many people never share their true feelings because they're too worried about what others will think of them. Fug that! Todd #43 doesn't. Stick around and put more people in their place! I enjoy watching it. :cheers:

    I approve this message.

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