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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. OMG... stay far far away from the nutjobs on here. Do you realize what you're getting into?

    Remember: What has been seen, cannot be unseen.

    I warned her....but she wants to read for herself some of the stuff I tell her off the site.

  2. Being cautious is good, but the only way to become a better rider is to get out and ride! Pick an area your familiar with, plan your route and get the gear on. Robinson rd along the Darby creek heading towards North Lewisberg is nice.

    He's right, if you don't get in the saddle, you'll never learn. The MSF course should give you enough confidence to start riding. Just take it slow, be careful and you'll get better. Good luck, stay safe and remember rubberside down.

  3. I ride everyday to work, rain or shine since I got the bike earlier this year. I do need to pick up a rain suit cuz even tho I change at work, having soaked pants and shirt wear my jacket leaks really sucks. Anyone know of good, cheap rain suits? I dont need it to be armored because my jacket is armored. Just need pants and jacket.

  4. 600. I'll have pics this afternoon.

    You're right guys, I should know better. I slept and thought about my actions all night. I actually had OR nightmares because I didn't get pics up.

    I am actually picking it up today so that's mainly why there are no pics.


    Hope to see them soon :D

  5. looking at the website by reconrat it says the same thing about lane splitting in CA and OH...that it is not referenced

    I talked to the Johnstown Police chief on this one. He said that Ohio has laws that say only one vehicle may occupy a lane at a time (other than 2 bikes riding side by side). This means if you lane split, you and the car are occupying the lane at the same time and is illegal. He alos told me that if a car is stopped waiting to turning left and you go around him on the right, this also violates the one vehicle per lane law. I was always under the impression if you stayed on the pavement, it was legal. The other issue about lane splitting in ohio is the fact that cages are used to this like they are in Cali and wont expect you to split, a bad situation could arise. Now I do go around stopped traffic if they are turning but I verify the area is clear any cops and I make sure that I am doing it safely.

    If any one needs any further information on this, I could ask him the next time I see him.

  6. For bikes I have no idea. The problem with these is the patch plugs are like 7 bucks, and the tire has to be dismounted, plugged, remounted and then balanced so the labor will be a lil bit up there. We do this at the shop I work at but it is for cars, I dont know what would be charged for a bike tire. Im sure someone on here knows a good shop where you can get it done at. I do most all my own work and have a friend that has a lot of motorcycle tools, equipment and knowledge so he helps out on the stuff I cant do. Good luck.

    Edit: I would imagine you would be fine at 75mph.

    Discalimer: I am not responsible if anything happens to your wheel. LOL

  7. Ive been luck so far, no one has done anything really stupid in front of me. Although I can see them creep forward just a bit and can tell they are contemplating if they would make it out before I do. There have only been a couple that have pulled out and couldnt reach speed fast enough before I was on their bumper. Havent had to make an emergency stop tho.....yet.

  8. Use a patch-plug. They cover the hole from the inside with a patch but fill the hole with a plug, best of both worlds. They are very reliable but keep in mind they will decrease the speed rating of a tire.

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