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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Yeah I just need one more to throw on the other side of my bike, don't want em to be different sizes.
  2. Sounds good, I'll try to be in the area before you guys get there.
  3. I'm really amzed the kid kept a cool head enough to steer the bus to the shoulder, turn it off and begin rendering medical aid. Bet he's a boy scout.
  4. You have way too many dumb ass posts for me to reply to. First off, it's called a concealed carry permit so yes you can. Also, fyi if you are open carrying and get into a car or on a bike, it is considered concealed and a permit is required. What is the point in carrying a gun if it's not loaded? "Give me your money or I'll kill you!" "Wait, let me load my gun first.......okay I'm ready lets start again." You're seriously dense. None of my guns have ever killed anyone and I have my .40 with 15 rounds loaded within arms reach right now. Anyone on this site that has met me has been within a couple feet of my sidearm, loaded every single time. I just got home from the movies and dinner and carried a loaded gun, legally in all aspects, and no one was the wiser. Wonder why all the shootings happen at no gun zones? Schools, churches, military bases (yes they are) immigration offices....how many have happened at gun shops? Oh, cuz everyone there is carrying loaded guns.... You THINK you know what happened with this situation but you have no idea. You know what the media has lead you to believe, and it has been shown how they have twisted the facts around to suit their agenda. It's easy to look at a situation after the fact and see everything that the participants weren't privy too at the time. A guy got shot in the back multiple times by police for carrying a cell phone. It was a justified shoot because it was dark and the suspect held the cell phone in a manner which simulated a handgun. I respect the fact that you have an opinion but you won't hear anyone else out or realize you could be wrong.
  5. One girl drank 5 bottles of nail polish a day. Not just clear coat, all colors, metallics ...yuck
  6. Do you have a time frame when you should be at rt62 BBQ?
  7. Link has bus cam also http://www.salem-news.com/articles/april092012/bus-saved.php
  8. Will these be the same size as the last ORDN decals?
  9. I heard about it awhile back. The group "oath keepers" have this as one of their points. I know some don't like that group but they believe the military and police should take a stand not to disarm the public, and use Katrina as one example.
  10. Where's the public outrage with this? Why is one way racist wrong but the other isn't? http://www.seraphicpress.com/blacks-set-white-on-fire-you-get-what-you-deserve-white-boy/?wpmp_tp=1
  11. "Why" are "we" putting quotation "marks" around so many "words"?
  12. I just realized why I don't like #1. It reminds me of these: and it bugs me when someone takes a pic of themselves and then makes it into 4 different colors and they think it's artsy.
  13. #2 I think because of the size differences it creates more depth to it.
  14. There are a lot of gun threads on here, browse them. I carry my M&P 40 everyday and love it. Trust my life to it. Other good options; Glock, Sig, XD, all good choices. 9 or. 40 are good, .45 I think is too expensive and magazine capacity usually sucks. A .22 is great to have for marksmanship practice and ammo is cheap. Just don't skimp and get a cheap gun, its not worth the cost savings IMHO. Feel out as many as you can, and shoot them if you can. When you get one, train, train, train. Btw, what are planning on using it for? Carry, home defense, target, varmints?
  15. Or you get one of these and tow their car home.
  16. Lmao. I'm so busy right now I don't even have time to shoot mine.
  17. I probably won't make any of these rides this year due to my work schedule but I might be able to stop in at rt62 when ya'll stop
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