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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Oh geez. No, there are plenty of people that OC for protection. They might OC for comfort, they prefer the OC advantages over the CC advantages. They like the OC holster better. They want to educate people guns don't kill people and they aren't the devil. Are there some that do it for those reason? Yeah I'm sure. But to lump those people in together is like saying all "crotch rocket riders are a bunch of lawless hooligans who are dangerous"
  2. Then you should have said something like "you cannot legally transport with a loaded magazine/speed loader but, IMO, keeping them separated in the car is a good idea." You said it to be law, and it's not. This is one reason so many people get mislead and confused because one person says something then it snowballs. I have no problem with you wanting to play it safe. That's fine and dandy but don't tell someone that's how something is when it's not. I was showing you that I have said it before, that I didn't miss any caveats.
  3. I will even show you a couple of my old posts on this subject. http://www.ohioriders.net/showpost.php?p=617680&postcount=125 http://www.ohioriders.net/showpost.php?p=755502&postcount=33
  4. Yes, I know that. That was already brought up in previous posts which is why I didn't say that. My advice was what you said was incorrect. Again, where does is say the ammunition must be separated? It doesn't. It says no ammunition can be in magazines or speedloaders anywhere inside the vehicle in which a gun they will fit is located. A box of rounds sitting in the same bag as a handgun is not illegal.
  5. This actually went national on P1. http://www.policeone.com/patrol-issues/articles/4912859-Video-Teen-with-Airsoft-gun-safely-disarmed/
  6. My point, lightbulb, is you said You are passing along incorrect information. Had you said, it may not be law but a good idea to separate ammunition from the firearm, I would have no issue.
  7. Yes I've read the law. Where does it say to separate?
  8. General consensus is the chl does not make you authorized. Can't recall if there is info on that or what...I'll have to dig. I'm not saying you can't, but that isn't a stipulation in the law. Couldn't hurt you to do that.
  9. No there is no law that says ammo and gun must be separated.
  10. And how many times have you open carried or run into those open carrying? You think a bad guy is going to announce he has a gun? I've open carried and have changed the mind of quite a few and I was by myself.
  11. Bad idea? Why is it a bad idea?
  12. No you can't be. Inducing panic means you are doing something illegal. The simple act of open carrying is not inducing panic. Places like Cleveland have tried but the supreme court has been putting Cleveland back in its place
  13. There are so many things wrong I don't know where to start...poor guy.
  14. I've watched a couple episodes. Some of these people spend 10+ hours a day to prepping which I think is extreme but there are some good ideas. Like the mineral oil on eggs to make them last a long time. Did not know that.
  15. Wow....interesting to say the least. I know they track purchases just mot to quite this extent.
  16. I thought this was an Obama thread.... :funnyshit:
  17. Good luck Ziggy. I have heard, like others, how bad it can be as an adult. Thankfully I had CP as a kid. Never had much more than a cold since then, other than appendicitis in 2006 which was kinda bad. Good luck and keep us updated!
  18. I'll send you some $$ thru paypal, labeled "for lottery", then fed ex me the sammich when you make it.
  19. Hmm, shaping up to be pretty good...
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