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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Wow. I think this may top your thread-jacking abilities UP!
  2. They provide you with a paycheck. Shut up and do what they say, or find someone else to provide you a paycheck while you do what you want in the downtime. Fortunately for me, I don't have to worry about this (right now) since if I'm not working, I'm not getting paid for it. I get paid for what I do, not the time I'm there.
  3. UP isn't going, so 536 should be ok! Actually, I've never been on many of those roads, but from looking at the map, they look pretty twisty.
  4. I'm not so sure I want to be in such a neighborhood.
  5. If this was Sat I'd be in for sure, but being Sun I'm not so sure.
  6. 8 hours is fine with me, and my little bike doesn't really care for the interstate! I have something I would like to do that evening, just trying to see if I can do both! That, and I wanted to keep bumping the thread back up!
  7. Do you have a time estimate on this? It looks like it would be an awesome ride!
  8. I'm thinking about this one. I'll look at the route.
  9. Snell better than DOT? Maybe not better, but at least as good. It's also good to know that they are regularly, INDEPENDANTLY certified. From what I understand, DOT helmets can be sold without the DOT ever testing one, and then if they fail, they have to be recalled. If the tests were 100% the same, I woudl still want a helmet that is tested more often. Snell requires one of out a certain number (1000 I think) to be sent to them for testing.
  10. I was just goin g for the freebies angle there!
  11. That was my thought! Hoping it's not a psycho one this time! Anouther example of Suzuki = Squid...
  12. Let's do it then! How about Aug 7? That's the weekend after my birthday. Actually, I haven't even checked if the wife works that weekend, just tossing out ideas.
  13. Do they have the parking, and room for OR? I haven't been there, so it's a serious question.
  14. How about something in Central Ohio? Is nothing planned?
  15. Keep me on the list as well, unless you pick a day that is totally out of the question, I'll be there.
  16. Mexico's involvement is the biggest problem I have with this. The court needs to tell Mexican officials to go home and worry about their own problems, let the big boys in the US deal with our problems.
  17. That's all good until they figure out a way around that! That NEVER would have worked when I was a kid!
  18. I love those movies! I still want my hover conversion!!!
  19. I'm sure you checked to see if it was a real site...
  20. That's very awesome that you have kept it that way. Can you do a PM rickroll on him of some sort?
  21. Awesome! I have one of my own, and 2 steps, all three boys. Wouldn't trade it for all the riding time I could get. Wait...what? No, seriously, it's been totally awesome! Since the event has been cancelled, can we turn it into a chat about kids thread?
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