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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Owner of the land died, hasn't been open since.
  2. It works. The light at the end of my street was broke. Called the city multiple times, nothing. Sent an email to the above and 2 weeks later the city came out and fixed it.
  3. Tonik

    Trailer queens.

    Fixed the gas smell today. Asshat that changed the filter left the overflow hose off.
  4. We do a lot of those rides. WV for pizza for example. It adds a stop with a reward.
  5. Tonik

    Trailer queens.

    Home, 2k miles none of which was on a trailer.
  6. Tonik

    Trailer queens.

    It's complicated as hell man. My brain still hurts.
  7. Tonik

    Trailer queens.

    Well, at least it isn't on the trailer anymore.
  8. Tonik

    Trailer queens.

    Yep, that was the day you saved my life. Much appreciated.
  9. Without the upgrade, it does very well. No doubt.
  10. Tonik

    Trailer queens.

    Any OG's left that remember back on the day where we waited at each turn for the slower riders?
  11. @TimTheAzn is right on the money. Once you are sure that it is the bike for you head down to Traxxon Dynamics and get the full Monty suspension. Makes the old gens amazing machines. Best part, the dragon and all that is otw back. Takes him a day to do it.
  12. That is awesome Durk, congrats man.
  13. Tonik

    Trailer queens.

    197 is a shit show now. They just tar snaked the hell out of it. Really bad.
  14. Here now, cabin near the Skyway. We are rolling back starting Saturday morning. Perhaps dinner Friday night. Keep me posted on your plans.
  15. When are you going to be here?
  16. See them everywhere.
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